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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/559

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Statute ⅠⅠ.

Aug. 26, 1842.

Chap. CCII.An Act legalizing and making appropriations for such necessary objects as have been usually included in the general appropriation bills without authority of law, and to fix and provide for certain incidental expenses of the Departments and offices of the Government, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Employment or appointment of officers and persons hereinafter mentioned, authorized. That it shall be lawful for the respective heads of the Departments of the General Government to employ or appoint the officers and persons hereinafter mentioned, in addition to those already provided by law, in the offices, bureaus, and places connected with their several Departments, and at the following annual salaries, that is to say;

State Department.
Superintend’t and watchmen.
1. In the Department of State.―One superintendent of the northeast Executive building, at two hundred and fifty dollars, and three watchmen, at three hundred and sixty-five dollars each.

Treasury Department.
Offices of the First Comptroller.
2. In the Treasury Department.―In the First Comptroller’s office, one assistant messenger, at three hundred and fifty dollars.

1st Auditor.In the First Auditor’s office, one additional clerk, at one thousand dollars.

2d Auditor.
Post, p. 650.
In the Second Auditor’s office, one additional clerk, at one thousand dollars, until the second of April, eighteen hundred and forty-three.

3d Auditor.In the Third Auditor’s office, three additional clerks, two at one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars each, and one at one thousand dollars.

4th Auditor.In the Fourth Auditor’s office, one clerk at twelve hundred dollars.

5th Auditor.
July 7, 1838, ch. 169.
In the Fifth Auditor’s office, two clerks, under act of seventh July, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, at one thousand dollars each.

May 26, 1824, ch. 154.
July 2, 1836, ch. 270.
The compensation of the clerk authorized by the act of May twenty-six, eighteen hundred and twenty-four, in the Treasurer’s office, is hereby increased to one thousand dollars; and the compensation of the clerk in the same office authorized by the act of July two, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, is hereby increased to one thousand two hundred dollars.

Register.In the office of the Register of the Treasury, one loan clerk (to take effect from fifteenth April, eighteen hundred and forty-two,) at one thousand four hundred dollars.

Solicitor.In the office of the Solicitor of the Treasury, three additional clerks, at one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars each, and one law clerk, at fifteen hundred dollars.

Superintend’t and watchmen.One superintendent of the southeast Executive building, at five hundred dollars, and eight watchmen, at three hundred and sixty-five dollars each.

War Department.
Office of the Commanding General.
Adj. General.
3. In the War Department.―In the office of the Commanding General, one messenger, at five hundred dollars.

In the office of the Adjutant General, one messenger, at five hundred dollars.

Comm’y Gen. of Subsistence.In the office of the Commissary General of Subsistence, one additional clerk, at one thousand dollars, one messenger, five hundred dollars.

Commissioner of Pensions.In the office of the Commissioner of Pensions, one messenger, at seven hundred dollars, until the first day of January next, after which time there shall be two messengers only in said office, at a compensation of five hundred dollars each.

Chief Engineer.In the office of the Chief Engineer, one messenger at five hundred dollars.

Surgeon General.In the office of the Surgeon General, one clerk, at one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars, and one messenger at five hundred dollars.

Colonel of Ordnance.In the office of the Colonel of Ordnance, one messenger at five hundred dollars.