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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/578

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Mayor, &c. authorized to receive journ’ls, &c. of the board acting under act 21st April 1806, ch. 43.
Powers, &c. vested in said board, transferred to the mayor, &c.
Mayor, &c. authorized to institute legal proceedings.
and aldermen, of the said city of Detroit be, and they are hereby, entitled to receive from any person or persons having possession of the same, the journals, records, papers, and books of the governor and judges of the late Territory of Michigan, acting as a land board, under the act of April twenty-first, one thousand eight hundred and six, to which this is a supplement; and that all powers and rights vested by the said act in the said governor and judges, for the purposes therein mentioned, are hereby transferred and vested in the mayor, recorder, and aldermen, of the city of Detroit, in the State of Michigan. And the said mayor, recorder, and aldermen, are hereby authorized to institute proceedings at law or equity, in any court of competent jurisdiction, in all cases where it may be necessary to carry into effect the purposes of this act.

All property, except the court house and jail, vested in the mayor, &c.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That any land or other property, real or personal, remaining, except the court-house and jail erected under the act to which this is a supplement, after satisfying all just claims provided for in the first section of the act to which this is a supplement, is hereby vested in the said mayor, recorder, and aldermen, of the city of Detroit, to be disposed of by them at their discretion to the best advantage; and they are hereby authorized to make deeds to purchasers thereof, or other sufficient conveyances; and the proceeds of the land or other property effects or claims do disposed of, and of other rights and claims of the said governor and judges, shall, after the payment of all necessary expenses incurred in giving effect to said act and to this act and in the adoption of such measures as they may deem necessary for preserving in proper form the records and other evidences of the proceedings of said governor and judges, be applied by the said mayor, recorder and aldermen, to such object or objects of public improvement in said city, as the said mayor, recorder, and aldermen, may in council direct. And the said mayor, recorder, and aldermen are hereby required to take an oath or affirmation for the faithful discharge of their duties under this act, and make a report to Congress, in writing, of their proceedings, on or before the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four.

Approved, August 29, 1842.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

Aug. 29, 1842.

Chap. CCLXI.An Act to provide for the payment to the State of Louisiana of the balance due said State for expenditures incurred in raising, equipping and paying off a regiment of volunteer militia, mustered into the service of the United States, and employed in the Florida war in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Appropriation to pay the balance due Louisiana. That the sum of sixty-one thousand three hundred and seventy-eight dollars and fifteen cents, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to pay the balance due the State of Louisiana for expenditures incurred in raising, equipping and paying off a regiment of volunteer militia, employed in the service of the United States in the Seminole war.

Approved, August 29, 1842.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

Aug. 29, 1842.

Chap. CCLXII.An Act to authorize the States of Indiana and Illinois to select certain quantities of land, in lieu of like quantities heretofore granted to the said States, for the construction of the Wabash and Erie and the Illinois and Michigan canals.[1]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be vested