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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/585

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than forty-five by sixty inches each, a duty of fifteen per centum ad valorem; and on all other woollen blankets, a duty of twenty-five per centum ad valorem.

Manufactures of combed wool, &c.Fifth. On all manufactures, not otherwise specified, of combed wool or worsted, and manufactures of worsted and silk combined, a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem; on all hearth rugs, an ad valorem duty of forty per centum.

Yarn.Sixth. On woollen and worsted yarn, a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem.

Gloves, caps, bindings and hosiery.Seventh. On woollen and worsted mits, gloves, caps, and bindings, and on woollen or worsted hosiery, that is to say, stockings, socks, drawers, shirts, and all other similar manufactures made on frames, a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem.

Flannels, bockings, &c.
Goats’ hair, &c.
Eighth. On flannels, of whatever material composed, except cotton, a duty of fourteen cents per square yard on bockings and baizes, fourteen cents per square yard on coach laces, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; on Thibet, Angora, and all other goats’ hair or mohair unmanufactured, one cent per pound; on camlets, blankets, coatings, and all other manufactures of goats’ hair or mohair, twenty per centum ad valorem.

Clothing, &c.Ninth. On ready-made clothing, of whatever materials composed, worn by men, women, or children, except gloves, mits, stockings, socks, wove shirts and drawers, and all other similar manufactures made on frames, hats, bonnets, shoes, boots, and bootees, imported in a state ready to be used as clothing by men, women or children, made up either by the tailor, manufacturer, or seamstress, an ad valorem duty of fifty per centum; on all articles worn by men, women, or children, other than as above specified or excepted, of whatever materials composed, made up wholly or in part by hand, a duty of forty per centum ad valorem; on all thread laces and insertings,Thread laces, &c. fifteen per centum ad valorem; on cotton laces, quillings, and insertings, usually known as trimming laces, and on bobbinet laces of cotton, twenty per centum ad valorem; on laces, galloons, tresses, tassels, knots, and stars of gold or silver, fine or half fine, fifteen per centum ad valorem; on all articles embroidered in gold or silver, fine or half fine, when finished, other than clothing, twenty per centum ad valorem; and on clothing, finished in whole or in part, embroidered in gold or silver, fifty per centum ad valorem.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, from and after the passage of this act, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the importation of the articles hereinafter mentioned, the following duties; that is to say:

Cotton unmanufactured.First. On cotton unmanufactured, a duty of three cents per pound,

Manufactures of cotton.Second. On all manufactures of cotton, or of which cotton shall be a component part, not otherwise specified, a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem, excepting such cotton twist, yarn, and thread, and such other articles as are herein provided for: Provided, That all manufactures of cotton or of which cotton shall be a component part, not dyed, colored, printed, or stained, not exceeding in value twenty cents per square yard, shall be valued at twenty cents per square yard; and if dyed, colored, printed, or stained, in whole or in part, not exceeding in value thirty cents the square yard, shall be valued at thirty cents per square yard, excepting velvets, cords, moleskins, fustians, buffalo cloths, or goods manufactured by napping or raising, cutting or shearing, not exceeding in value thirty-five cents the square yard, shall be valued at thirty-five cents per square yard, and duty be paid thereon accordingly.

Cotton, twist, yard, and thread.Third. All cotton twist, yard, and thread, unbleached and uncolored, the true value of which at the place whence imported shall be less than sixty cents per pound, shall be valued at sixty cents per pound, and shall be charged with a duty of twenty-five per centum ad valorem; all