according to the original intention of that law, and that no certificate for any loan shall be issued for a less sum than one hundred dollars.
Approved, August 31, 1842.
Statute ⅠⅠ.
Chap. CCLXXXVIII.—An Act making appropriations for certain fortifications of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the Treasury, for the preservation, repairs, and construction of certain fortifications, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-two, viz:
Fort Preble.For repairs at Fort Preble, Portland, Maine, one thousand dollars.
Fort Scammel.For repairs of Fort Scammel, Portland, Maine, five thousand dollars.
Fort McClary.For repairs of Fort McClary, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, five thousand dollars.
Fort Constitution.For repairs of Fort Constitution, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, five thousand dollars.
Deer island.For repairs of sea-wall on Deer Island, Boston harbor, two thousand dollars.
Fort Independence.
Castle island.For repairs of Fort Independence and sea-wall at Castle Island, balance of the original estimated cost of this work, being thirty thousand dollars.
Fort Warren.For Fort Warren, Boston harbor, thirty-three thousand dollars.
Ft. Griswold.For repairs of Fort Griswold, New London harbor, Connecticut, five thousand dollars.
Fort Niagara.For completing the repairs of Fort Niagara, at the mouth of Niagara river, New York, and erecting and repairing the necessary building therein, five thousand dollars.
Fort Ontario.For completing the repairs of Fort Ontario, at Oswego, New York, and erecting the necessary buildings therein, six thousand dollars.
Fort Schuyler.For Fort Schuyler, New York harbor, twenty thousand dollars.
Castle Williams.For completing Castle Williams, New York harbor, five thousand dollars.
South battery.For completing South Battery, New York harbor, two thousand dollars.
Ft. Columbus.For completing Fort Columbus, New York harbor, two thousand dollars.
Wharves, New York harbor.For permanent wharves for Fort Columbus, Castle Williams, and South Battery, Governor’s Island, New York harbor, and to complete the work according to the original estimates, eight thousand dollars.
Fort Hamilton.For repairs at Fort Hamilton, New York harbor, five thousand dollars.
Fort Lafayette.For repairs and for correcting defective construction of Fort Lafayette, New York harbor, twelve thousand dollars.
Fort Monroe.For Fort Monroe, Old Point Comfort, Virginia, thirty-five thousand dollars.
Fort Macon.For repairs of Fort Macon, Beaufort, North Carolina, five thousand dollars.
For preservation of the site of the same, seven thousand dollars.
Fort Sumter.For Fort Sumter, Charleston harbor, South Carolina, towards completing the same, agreeably to the original estimates, fifty thousand dollars.
Ft. Livingston.For Fort Livingston, Barrataria bay, Louisiana, ten thousand dollars.
Fort Towson.For carrying on the work at Fort Towson, ten thousand dollars.
Fort Smith.For carrying on the work at Fort Smith, ten thousand dollars.
Approved, August 31, 1842.