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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/635

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Arrearages and half-pay pensions.For arrearages prior to July, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, payable through the Third Auditor, for the said half calendar year, one thousand dollars; and for the said fiscal year, two thousand dollars.

For arrearages and half pay pensions, through the Second Auditor, for the said fiscal year, five hundred dollars.

For half pay pensions, payable through the Third Auditor, for the said fiscal year, three thousand dollars.

Approved, February 14, 1843.

Statute ⅠⅠⅠ.

Feb. 15, 1843.

Chap. XXX.An Act to amend the charter of the town of Alexandria.

Vol. 2, 255.
Election of the Mayor.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Mayor of the town of Alexandria shall hereafter be annually elected, by ballot, by the citizens qualified to vote for members of the Common Council of said town; and that the votes for Mayor shall be taken by the Commissioners appointed to superintend the election for members of the Common Council in the several wards of the said town, under the same laws and regulations as now govern the election of members of the Common Council, and at the same time and places appointed therefor, excepting so far as may by this act be otherwise hereinafter directed; and the Commissioners for all the wards, or a majority of the Commissioners for each ward, shall meet on the day after the said election at the Council Chamber in the town of Alexandria, or at such other fit and convenient place as the Common Council may, from time to time, direct, and then and there add and compare the votes given for Mayor in their respective wards, and the individual having the highest number of votes for the office of Mayor, shall be declared by the Commissioners so assembled to be duly elected; and they shall make out a certificate thereof, and cause the same to be delivered to the person elected, and a duplicate thereof to the Clerk of the Common Council; and if two or more persons voted for as Mayor shall have an equal and the highest number of votes, the Commissioners shall certify that fact, with the names of such persons, to the President or Chairman of the Common Council, whereupon the Common Council shall proceed to elect the Mayor from among those who received the equal and highest number of votes, in the manner now provided by law.

Commissioners of election to take an additional oath.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said Commissioners, before they shall receive any vote for Mayor, shall, in addition to the oath or affirmation now required of them by law, severally take an oath or affirmation, truly and faithfully to receive and count the votes of such persons as are by law entitled to vote for Mayor of Alexandria in ward No. ――, and not knowingly to receive the vote of any person for Mayor who is not legally entitled to the same, which oath shall be administered by the Mayor, or any justice of the peace for the county of Alexandria.

In case of vacancy, the Common Council to make the election.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That on the refusal of any person elected to the office of Mayor of Alexandria, in the mode prescribed in the foregoing sections, to accept the same, or on the death, resignation, inability, or removal of any person filling such office of Mayor of Alexandria, the Common Council of said town shall proceed to elect another person to fill said office for the remainder of the year.

Time of the first election.
Proviso, limiting the effect of this act.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the first election under this act be held at the time when the members of the Common Council of Alexandria are elected next after this act goes into effect: Provided, however, That nothing in the foregoing sections contained, shall in any wise alter, change, or affect the powers, duties, qualifications, or term of service of the Mayor of said town of Alexandria, as now provided by law, except so far as the same may be in conflict with this enactment.

Approved, February 15, 1843.