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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/667

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and the clerks, messenger and assistant messenger, in his department, twenty-six thousand three hundred dollars;

For the contingent expenses of said department, viz:

Contingent expenses, including printing of laws, &c.For publishing, packing, and distributing the laws, and packing and distributing documents, including proof-reading, labor, boxes, and transportation, nine thousand dollars;

For stationery, blank books, and book-binding, two thousand dollars;

For labor and attendance, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For furniture and fixtures, repairs, painting, and glazing, one thousand eight hundred dollars;

For extra clerk hire and copying, two thousand dollars;

For printing, letter-press and copperplate, and advertising, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For newspapers, two hundred dollars,

For books and maps, one thousand dollars;

Payment for printing census documents.For the payment of all claims which Thomas Allen has against the United States for printing twenty thousand copies of “The Compendium or Abridgment of the Sixth Census, by counties and principal towns, together with the tables of apportionment as prepared at the State Department for the use of Congress,” the sum of fifteen thousand eight hundred and forty-nine dollars and sixty-four cents; and for the payment of all claims which Blair and Rives have against the United States for printing ten thousand copies of the same document, eight thousand nine hundred and twenty-four dollars and eighty-two cents: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall prejudice any future application to Congress, for further compensation for said works;

1842, ch. 202.
For miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars: Provided, That nothing contained in the fifteenth and sixteenth sections of the act entitled “An act legalizing and making appropriations for such necessary objects as have been usually included in the general appropriation bills without authority of law, and to fix and provide for certain incidental expenses of the departments and offices of the Government, and for other purposes,” shall be deemed to apply to the contingent fund appropriated to the State Department for the calendar year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, and for the half calendar year one thousand eight hundred and forty-three;

Distribution of census.To defray the expenses of distributing the remaining numbers of the Census and Statistics, according to a resolution of Congress, two thousand five hundred dollars;

Biennial register.For compiling, printing and binding the Biennial Register, three thousand dollars;

N. E. executive building.For compensation of the superintendent and three watchmen of the northeast executive building, one thousand three hundred and forty-five dollars;

For contingent expenses of said building, viz:

For labor, one thousand two hundred dollars;

For fuel and light, one thousand four hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, seven hundred dollars;

Treasury Department.
Secretary, &c.
Treasury Department.―For compensation of the Secretary of the Treasury, and the clerks, messenger and assistant messenger, in his office, twenty-seven thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars;

First Comptroller, &c.For compensation of the First Comptroller, and the clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger, in his office, twenty-two thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars,

Second Comptroller, &c.For compensation of the Second Comptroller, and the clerks and messenger in his office, fifteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars;

1st auditor, &c.For compensation of the First Auditor, and the clerks and messenger in his office, nineteen thousand nine hundred dollars;