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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/727

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Lighting Pennsylvania avenue.For lighting Pennsylvania avenue during the sessions of Congress, six hundred dollars;

Indices to Washington papers.For preparing indices to the manuscript papers of the Confederation and the papers of Washington, one thousand two hundred and fifty-two dollars;

Expenses of commission mark the boundary between U. S. and Great Britain.For compensation of the commissioner and clerk appointed to mark the boundary between the United States and Great Britain and for other expenses of the commission, including the purchase and repair of instruments, wages of persons employed, and other contingencies, thirty-five thousand dollars.

Expenses of commission under Cherokee treaty.For compensation to two commissioners to examine claims under the treaty with the Cherokees of one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, and pay of secretary, including provisions for Indians during the session of the board, and for contingent expenses, eleven thousand five hundred dollars.

Expenses of commissioner under Choctaw treaty.
For defraying the contingent expenses of commissioners to adjust claims to Choctaw reservations under the treaty of one thousand eight hundred and thirty with the Choctaws, six thousand one hundred dollars: Provided, That the duration of either of said commissions shall not extend beyond one year after the passage of this act.

Expenses of conveying votes of electors to Washington.To pay the expenses that may be incurred in conveying to the seat of Government the votes of the electors of the several States for President and Vice President of the United States, twelve thousand dollars.

Coast survey.
For survey of the coast of the United States, including compensation of superintendent and assistants, eighty thousand dollars: Provided, That officers of the army and navy shall, as far as practicable, be employed in the work, whenever in the manner required by the Department having charge thereof.

Bostom custom-house.For carrying on the work of the custom-house [at] Boston, fifty thousand dollars.

Publication of narrative of exploring exped’n.For counting the preparation and publication of the Narrative and Account of the Exploring Expedition, forty thousand dollars.

Maps of exploring expedit’n.For the publication, under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy and of the Secretary of the Treasury, of such of the maps of the exploring expedition as, in their judgment, will be serviceable to the navy and the commerce of the country, two thousand dollars.

Botanical and horticultural specimens, &c.To defray the expenses of taking care of and preserving the botanical and horticultural specimens brought home by the exploring expedition, and for the salary of the keeper of, and enlarging the green house under the direction and control of the joint committee on the library, twenty-two hundred dollars.

Light-house establishment.
Supplies, &c.
Light-house Establishment.―For the support and maintenance of light-houses, floating lights, beacon, buoys, and stakeages, including the purchase of lamps, oil, wicks, buff-skins, whiting, and cotton cloth, transporting oil, and for keepers’ salaries, repairs, improvements, and contingent expenses, three hundred and eighty-five thousand four hundred and sixty-five dollars and seventy-five cents.

Expenses of superintendents.For expenses of superintendents in visiting their light-houses annually, and examining and reporting their condition, two thousand dollars.

Superintendents’ commissions.
For superintendents’ commissions, at two and a half per centum, nine thousand six hundred and ninety-four dollars and fourteen cents;

Surveying public lands.Surveys of Public Lands.―For surveying the public lands, in addition to the unexpended balance of former appropriations, to be apportioned to the several districts, according to the exigencies of the public service, exclusive of surveys in Louisiana, one hundred and ten thousand dollars.

Surveying with reference to mines.For surveying, with reference to mines and minerals, in that portion