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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/732

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Expenses of procuring information respecting foreign commerce.To defray expenses incurred and to be incurred in complying with the resolutions of the House of Representatives of the third of September, one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and of the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and of the Senate of the thirty-first of August, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two and of the fourteenth of February, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, calling for information respecting the foreign commerce of the United States, its restrictions and privileges, prices of commodities, &c., ten thousand dollars.

Sec. to publish monthly the last preceding weekly statement of the Treasurer, &c.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury cause to be published in some newspaper of the city of Washington, on the first day of each month, the last preceding weekly statement of the Treasurer of the United States, showing the amount to his credit in the different banks, in the mint, or other depositories, the amount for which drafts have been given, and those remaining unpaid, and the balance remaining subject to his draft; and that he also specially note any changes that have been made in the depositories of the Treasury during the preceding month, and report to Congress, at the commencement of its next session, the reasons for such changes. And that no changes be made except for non-compliance with the instructions of the Department or the failure to furnish sufficient security.

Quarterly statement of receipts and expenditures to be published.Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury at the expiration of thirty days from the end of each quarter, cause to be published in some newspaper in the city of Washington a statement of the whole receipts of such quarter, specifying the amount received from customs, from public lands, and from miscellaneous sources, and, also, the whole amount of payments made during the said quarter, specifying the general head of appropriation, whether for the civil list, the army, the navy, Indian department, fortifications, or pensions.

Number of officers in custom-houses not to be increased, &c.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the number of inspectors, gaugers, weighers, measurers, or markers, in any custom-house shall not be increased beyond the number now in service; and that no allowance shall be made to any inspector, for any services, subsistence, travelling or any other amount beyond the amount fixed by law of three dollars per day, and not to exceed ten cents per mile for travelling expenses when actually engaged in the performance of his duties at any other place than the port or custom-house from the collector of which he has received his appointment.

Approved, June 17, 1844.

Statute Ⅰ.

June 17, 1844.

Chap. CVI.An Act making appropriations for the support of the army for the fiscal year ending on the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and forty-five.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,In addition to unexpended balances. That the following sums in addition to unexpended balances of former appropriations be and the same are hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated for the support of the army for the fiscal year, commencing on the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, and ending on the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-five.

Army.For pay of the army, one million fifty-eight thousand five hundred and twenty-one dollars and sixty-seven cents.

Commutation of subsistence.For commutation of officers’ subsistence, two hundred and eighty-four thousand five hundred and ninety-seven dollars and seventy-seven cents.

Commutation of forage.
For commutation of forage of officers’ horses, seventy thousand dollars: Provided, That forage shall be allowed only for horses actually mustered.