Blacksmiths.To the Cherokees.―For four blacksmiths and assistants, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of fourteenth of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, three thousand three hundred and sixty dollars;
Iron.For iron and steel, one thousand and eighty dollars.
Wagon-maker.For wagon-maker, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of fourteenth of February, eighteen hundred and thirty three, six hundred dollars;
Wheelwright.For wheelwright, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of fourteenth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, six hundred dollars.
Chippewas of Lake Superior and Mississippi.
Annuity in money.To the Chippewas of Lake Superior and Mississippi.―For limited annuity for twenty-five years, (in money,) stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of fourth of October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, twelve thousand five hundred dollars;
Annuity in goods.For limited annuity for twenty-five years, (in goods,) stipulated for in same article, same treaty, ten thousand five hundred dollars;
Tobacco and provisions.
Blacksmiths.For purchase of tobacco and provisions, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of fourth of October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, two thousand dollars; for the support of two blacksmiths’ shops, including pay of smiths and assistants, and furnishing iron and steel, stipulated for in same article, same treaty, two thousand dollars;
Farmers.For the support of two farmers, stipulated for in same article, same treaty, one thousand dollars;
Carpenters.For the pay of two carpenters, stipulated for in same article, same treaty, twelve hundred dollars;
Schools.For the support of schools, stipulated for in same article, same treaty, two thousand dollars;
Debts.For payment of debts due by the nation to claimants designated in the schedule attached to the treaty, in full satisfaction, payable within three years, as stipulated in the same article, same treaty, seventy-five thousand dollars;
Carpenters.For pay of two carpenters, in part, (omitted to be appropriated last year,) two hundred dollars;
Annuities.To the Delawares.―For permanent annuity, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of the third of August, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, one thousand dollars;
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the fifth article of the treaty of third of October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, four thousand dollars;
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the third article of the treaty of thirtieth of September, eighteen hundred and nine, five hundred dollars;
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the supplemental treaty of twenty-fourth of September, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, one thousand dollars;
For life annuity to two chiefs, stipulated in private and confidential articles of supplemental treaty of twenty-fourth of September, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, to treaty of third of October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, two hundred dollars;
For life annuity to three chiefs, stipulated in the supplemental article to treaty of twenty-sixth of October, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, three hundred dollars;
Salt.For the purchase of salt, as stipulated in the third article of the treaty of seventh June, eighteen hundred and three, one hundred dollars;
Blacksmith.For blacksmith and assistant, as stipulated in the sixth article of the treaty of third October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, seven hundred and twenty dollars;
Iron.For iron and steel, &c., for shops, two hundred and twenty dollars;
Interest.For interest on forty-six thousand and eighty dollars, at five per centum, being the value of thirty-six sections of land set apart by the treaty of eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, for education, as stipulated in re-