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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/769

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age, during the recess of Congress, anything to the contrary in this act notwithstanding; and the same franking privilege which is granted by this act to the members of the two Houses of Congress, is hereby extended to the Vice President of the United States; and in lieu of the rates of postage now established by law, there shall be charged the following rates, viz: For every single letter, in manuscript, or paper of any kind by or upon which information shall be asked for or communicated in writing, or by marks and signs, conveyed in the mail, for any distance under three hundred miles, five cents; and for any distance over three hundred miles, ten cents: and for a double letter there shall be charged double these rates; and for a treble letter, treble these rates; and for a quadruple letter, quadruple these rates; and every letter or parcelParcel. not exceeding half an ounce in weight shall be deemed a single letter, and every additional weight of half an ounce, or additional weight of less than half an ounce, shall be charged with an additional single postage.Drop letters. And all drop letters, or letters placed in any post office, not for transmission by mail, but for delivery only, shall be charged with postage at the rate of two cents each.Advertised letters. And all letters which shall hereafter be advertised as remaining over in any post office shall, when delivered out, be charged with the costs of advertising the same in addition to the regular postage, both to be accounted for as other postages now are.

Postage on newspapers.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all newspapers of no greater size or superficies than nineteen hundred square inches may be transmitted through the mail by the editors or publishers thereof, to all subscribers or other persons within thirty miles of the city, town, or other place in which the paper is or may be printed, free of any charge for postage whatever; and all newspapers of and under the size aforesaid, which shall be conveyed in the mail any distance beyond thirty miles from the place at which the same may be printed, shall be subject to the rates of postage chargeable upon the same under the thirtieth section of the act of CongressAct of March 3, 1825, ch. 64. approved the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, entitled “An act to reduce into one the several acts for establishing and regulating the Post Office Department;” and upon all newspapers of greater size or superficial extent than nineteen hundred square inches, there shall be charged and collected the same rates of postage as are prescribed by this act to be charged on magazines and pamphlets.

Postage on―
Printed circulars, handbills, &c.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That all printed or lithographed circulars and handbills or advertisements, printed or lithographed on quarto post or single cap paper, or paper not larger than single cap, folded, directed, and unsealed, shall be charged with postage at the rate of two cents for each sheet, and no more, whatever be the distance the same may be sent; and all pamphlets, magazines, periodicals,Pamphlets, magazines, &c. and every other kind and description of printed or other matter, (except newspapers,) which shall be unconnected with any manuscript communication whatever, and which it is or may be lawful to transmit by the mail of the United States, shall be charged with postage at the rate of two and a half cents for each copy sent, of no greater weight than one ounce, and one cent additional shall be charged for each additional ounce of the weight of every such pamphlet, magazine, matter, or thing, which may be transmitted through the mail, whatever be the distance, the same may be transported; and any fractional excess of not less than one-half of an ounce, in the weight of any such matter or thing, above one or more ounces, shall be charged for as if said excess amounted to a full ounce.

Letter mail may be separated from the other mail, in certain cases, for expedition.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Postmaster General be and he is hereby, authorized, upon all mail routes over or upon which the amount of matter usually transported, or which may be offered or