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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/790

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and assistant messenger, in his office, thirty-eight thousand three hundred and fifty dollars.

4th Auditor.For compensation of the Fourth Auditor, and the clerks and messenger in his office, twenty thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars.

5th Auditor.For compensation of the Fifth Auditor, and the clerks and messenger in his office, fourteen thousand eight hundred dollars.

Treasurer.For compensation of the Treasurer of the United States, and the clerks and messenger in his office, thirteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.

Register.For compensation of the Register of the Treasury, and the clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger, in his office, thirty thousand three hundred dollars.

General Land Office.
Reduction of clerks.
For compensation of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, and the recorder, draughtsman, assistant draughtsman, clerks, messengers, and packers, in his office, ninety-six thousand five hundred dollars; Provided, That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to reduce the number of clerks to be employed in the General Land Office from and after the thirtieth day of June next, to sixty; and any excess of appropriations herein made for clerks in that office, shall be carried to the surplus fund of the Treasury.

Solicitor.For compensation of the Solicitor of the Treasury, and the clerks and messenger in his office, thirteen thousand dollars.

Contingencies in the office of―Secretary of the Treasury.Contingencies of the Treasury Department:

In the office of the Secretary of the Treasury.

For blank books, binding, stationery, labor, sealing ships’ registers, compensation for carrying the department mails, translations, printing, including public accounts, eight thousand two hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous expenses, one thousand dollars.

First Comptroller.In the office of the First Comptroller:

For blank books, binding, stationery, printing, and labor, one thousand seven hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, three hundred dollars.

For expenses incident to loans, three thousand dollars.

Second Comptroller.In the office of the Second Comptroller:

For blank books, binding, stationery, printing blanks, including pay for the National Intelligencer and Globe, to be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the office, labor, and office furniture, one thousand two hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, three hundred dollars.

1st Auditor.In the office of the First Auditor:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, five hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one hundred and fifty dollars.

2d Auditor.In the office of the Second Auditor:

For blank books, binding, stationery, labor, and printing blanks, seven hundred and fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one hundred dollars.

3d Auditor.In the office of the Third Auditor:

For blank books, binding, printing, stationery, labor, and office furniture, eight hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, two hundred dollars.

4th Auditor.In the office of the Fourth Auditor:

For blank books, binding, stationery, printing, and labor, seven hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, two hundred dollars.

5th Auditor.In the office of the Fifth Auditor:

For blank books, binding, stationery, and labor, three hundred and seventy-five dollars;

For miscellaneous items, three hundred and fifty dollars.

Treasurer.In the office of the Treasurer: