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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/793

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Bureau of Provisions and Clothing.For compensation of the chief of the bureau of Provisions and Clothing, and to the clerks and messenger in his office, seven thousand one hundred dollars;

For one additional clerk, hereby authorized to be appointed in the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, twelve hundred dollars;

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.For compensation to the chief of the bureau of Medicine and Surgery, and to the clerks, assistant surgeon, and messenger in his office, six thousand six hundred dollars;

Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of said department, and all the bureaus connected therewith, viz:

For blank books, binding, stationery, printing, and labor, four thousand one hundred and forty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one thousand six hundred and sixty dollars;

S. W. executive building.For the contingent expenses of the southwest executive building, namely:

For labor, fuel, and light, one thousand six hundred and seventy-five dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars;

Post Office Department.
Postmaster General, &c.
Post Office Department.―For compensation to the Postmaster General, three assistant Postmasters General, clerks, messengers, assistant messengers, superintendent and watchmen of the said department, seventy-four thousand five hundred and fifty dollars;

Contingent expenses.For the contingent expenses of the said department, viz:

For blank books, binding, stationery, fuel, oil, printing, labor, and day watchmen, six thousand one hundred and sixty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, eight hundred dollars;

Auditor, &c.For compensation of the Auditor of the Post Office Department, clerks, messenger, and assistant messengers in his office, eighty-five thousand seven hundred dollars;

Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of said office, viz:

For labor, blank books, binding, stationery, printing blanks and circulars, four thousand one hundred and sixty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, seven hundred dollars;

Purchase of lots.To enable the Postmaster General to purchase, for the use of the Post Office Department, the remainder of the square on which the General Post Office building is situated, at the prices agreed upon with the owners of the property, twenty-eight thousand two hundred and fifty dollars;

Magnetic telegraph.For defraying the expenses of the magnetic telegraph from the city of Washington to Baltimore for the current year, ending on the first day of February next, the said sum to be disbursed under the direction and superintendence of the Postmaster General, eight thousand dollars.

Patent office.Patent Office.―For the purchase of such scientific works as are necessary for the use of the Patent Office, one thousand dollars; for the collection [of] agricultural statistics, and other purposes, three thousand dollars―which several sums, amounting in the whole, to four thousand dollars, to be paid out of the patent fund.

Public buildings, &c.
Contingencies for Capitol and grounds.
Public Buildings and Grounds.―For repairs of the Capitol, lamp lighters, oil for lamps, wick and repairs of lamps and lamp posts, attending furnaces and water closets, cleaning the rotundo and crypt, laborers and cartage on the Capitol grounds, tools, wire, leather, nails, and manure and straw for grounds, trees and shrubs, attendance at the western gates of the Capitol, repairs of public stables and sewers, keeping in order the iron pipes that conduct the water to the Capitol and public offices, for repairs of the roof of the Capitol and hose for the grounds, eight thousand two hundred and seventy-four dollars and fifty cents.

Gardender.For the gardener’s salary, twelve hundred dollars.

President’s house, &c.For repairs of the President’s house, laborers and cartage, tools, wire, twine, leather, stakes, nails, and manure and straw for the grounds, trees