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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/801

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books for entering collectors’ returns of imports and exports, eight hundred dollars.

Cases.For cases for the safe-keeping of settled accounts, two hundred dollars.

Relief of American seamen.To make good a deficiency (anticipated) in the appropriation for the relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, thirty thousand dollars.

Office of Commissioner of Pensions.To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the compensation of the Commissioner of Pensions and the clerks and messenger in his office, for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and forty-five, two thousand dollars.

Mudding duties.For the payment of mudding duties, erroneously charged by the Danish Government, and refunded in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, being a balance remaining in the hands of the agent of the Department of State, and by him paid into the Treasury March tenth, eighteen hundred and forty-one, four hundred and eighty-one dollars and ninety cents.

Additional compensation to district judges.
1844, ch. 95.
For additional compensation to the district judges of Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, under the provisions of the first section of the act of seventeenth June, eighteen hundred and forty-four, seven thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents.

House of Representatives.To make good a deficiency in the appropriation for stationery, fuel, printing, and all other contingent expenses of the House of Representatives, fifty thousand dollars, out of which shall be paid to William L. Goggin the sum of eight hundred andW. L. Goggin. twenty-four dollars, his pay and mileage as a member of the House of Representatives while contesting the seat of Thomas W. Gilmer of Virginia, the same being at the rate of eight dollars per day from the seventh day of December, eighteen hundred and forty-three, to the seventeenth day of February, eighteen hundred and forty-four inclusive.

Senate.To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the contingent expense of the Senate, seventy thousand dollars.

Texas boundary.To defray arrearages of expenses of the commission appointed to mark the boundary line between the United States and Texas, ninety-four dollars and sixty cents.

Mexican indemnity.For paying the April and July instalments of the Mexican indemnities due in eighteen hundred and forty-four, the sum of two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars: Provided, It shall be ascertained to the satisfaction of the American Government, that said instalments have been paid by the Mexican Government to the agent appointed by the United States to receive the same in such manner as to discharge all claim on the Mexican Government, and said agent to be a delinquent in remitting the money to the United States.

Postage of the Executive Departments.
1845, ch. 43.
Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to pay, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the amount of postages which may be chargeable to any of the Executive Departments or the Bureaus thereof, under the provisions of an act passed the present session of Congress, entitled “An act to reduce the rates of postage, to limit the use and correct the abuse of the franking privilege, and for the prevention of frauds on the revenues of the Post Office Department,” the accounts for the same being first audited and allowed by the proper officer of the Treasury Department; the amount thereof to be reported to Congress at the next session.

Approved, March 3, 1845.