treaty of the twenty-fifth of October, eighteen hundred and five, three thousand dollars.
For the payment of interest on an annuity of one thousand dollars, secured to the Cherokees by the treaty of the twenty-fourth October, eighteen hundred and four, and which was not paid till the year eighteen hundred and twenty-five, twelve thousand six hundred dollars, which sum shall be paid in the same manner and in the same proportions to the Cherokees east and west of the Mississippi that the annuity itself is payable.
To the Quapaws.To the Quapaws.—For the purposes of education, during the pleasure of the President, stipulated in the third article of the treaty with them, of the thirteenth of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, one thousand dollars.
For the limited annuity, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of the thirteenth of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, two thousand dollars.
For the support of a blacksmith and assistant, stipulated in the third article of the same, seven hundred and twenty dollars.
For the purchase of iron, steel, &c. two hundred and twenty dollars.
For the support of a farmer, stipulated in the same, six hundred dollars.
To the Florida Indians.To the Florida Indians.—For the limited annuity, stipulated in the third article of the treaty with them, of the eighteenth of September, eighteen hundred and twenty-three, four thousand six hundred and ten dollars.
For the support of a blacksmith’s establishment, stipulated in the sixth article of the same, one thousand dollars.
For the purposes of education, stipulated in the same, one thousand dollars.Proviso. Provided however, That no part of the appropriation for the Florida Indians shall be paid to any Indians who have been engaged in hostilities against the United States, unless in such change of circumstances as may induce the President of the United States to direct the same to be paid.
To the Pawnees.To the Pawnees.—For the limited annuity, stipulated in the third article of the treaty with them, of the ninth of October, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, four thousand six hundred dollars.
For agricultural implements, stipulated in the fourth article of the same, two thousand dollars.
For the purposes of education, stipulated in the fifth article of the same, one thousand dollars.
For the support of two blacksmiths’ establishment, stipulated in the sixth article of the same, two thousand dollars.
For the support of four farmers, stipulated in the seventh article of the same, two thousand four hundred dollars.
To the Cherokees west.To the Cherokees west.—For the purposes of education, stipulated in the fifth article of the treaty with them, of the sixth of May, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, two thousand dollars.
For the support of four blacksmiths and assistants, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty with them, of the fourteenth of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, two thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars.
For the purchase of iron, steel, &c. eight hundred and eighty dollars.
For the support of a wagon maker and a wheelwright, stipulated in the same, one thousand two hundred dollars.
For the expenses of transportation and distribution of annuities, salt, agricultural implements, tobacco, tools, &c. and other incidental expenses, twenty-nine thousand five hundred dollars.
For carrying into effect certain stipulations in the treaties concluded with the Senecas of Sandusky on the twenty-eighth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, with the Senecas and Shawanees, on the twentieth July, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and with the Shawanees