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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/863

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1936 Waterfowl (except for propagation, scientific or banding purposes under permit pursuant to regulations 8 and 9 of these regulations) and mourning doves are not permitted to be taken by means, aid or use, directly or indirectly, of corn, wheat, oats, or other grain or products thereof, salt, or any kind of feed whatsoever, placed, depos- ited, distributed, scattered, or otherwise put out whereby such water- fowl or doves are lured, attracted, or enticed; and in the taking of waterfowl, the use directly or indirectly, of live duck or goose decoys is not permitted; nor shall anything in these regulations be deemed to permit the use of aircraft of any kind, or of a power boat, sailboat, or other floating craft or device of any kind, for the purpose of con- centrating, driving, rallying, or stirring up migratory waterfowl. Regulation 4, "Open Seasons on and Possession of Certain Migra- tory Game Birds", is amended to read as follows: REGULATION 4.-OPEN SEASONS ON AND POSSESSION OF CERTAIN MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS 1763 Waterfowl, etc. 49 Stat. 3466 . Open seasons. Waterfowl (except snow geese and brant in Florida and all States Timespecified. Regulations modi. north thereof bordering on the Atlantic Ocean, Ross's goose, wood fled. duck, canvasback duck, redhead duck, ruddy duck, bufflehead duck, and swans), and coot, may be taken each day from 7 a. m. to 4 p. m ., Dylight require standard time, and rails and gallinules (other than coot), Wilson's s. snipe or jacksnipe, woodcock, mourning doves, and band-tailed pigeons from 7 a. m ., standard time, to sunset each day during the open seasons prescribed therefor in this regulation, and they may be taken by the means and in the numbers permitted by regulations 3 and 5 hereof, respectively, and when so taken may be possessed in the numbers permitted by regulation 5 any day in any State, Territory, or District during the period constituting the open season where killed and for an additional period of 10 days next succeeding said open season, but no such bird shall be possessed in a State, Territory, or District at a time when such State, Territory, or District prohibits the possession thereof. Nothing herein shall be deemed to permit the Hunting re o er - taking of migratory birds on any reservation or sanctuary established under the Migratory Bird Conservation Act of February 18, 1929 45 Stat.o 715 (45 Stat. 1222) nor on any area of the United States set aside under n6r. any other law, proclamation, or Executive order for use as a bird, game, or other wildlife reservation, breeding grounds, or refuge except insofar as may be permitted by the Secretary of Agriculture under existing law, nor on any area adjacent to any such refuge when such area is designated as a closed area under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Waterfowl (except snow geese and brantin Floridaand al States north egraphical limi. thereof bordering on the Atlantic Ocean, Ross's goose, wood duck, ruddy waterfowl duck, canvasback duck, redhead duck, bufflehead duck, and swans), Wilson's snipe or jacksnipe, and coot.- The open seasons for water- fowl (except snow geese and brant in Florida and all States north thereof bordering on the Atlantic Ocean, Ross's goose, wood duck, ruddy duck, canvasback duck, redhead duck, bufflehead duck, and swans), Wilson's snipe or jacksnipe, and coot, in the several States and Alaska, shall be as follows, both dates inclusive: In Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wisconsin, October 10 to November 8; In Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, including Long Island, Ohio, Oregon, Penn- sylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, and Wy- oming, November 1 to November 30;