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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/865

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1936 Attala, Winston, Noxubee, and all counties north thereof; and South Carolina, in the counties of Edgefield, Saluda, Newberry, Fairfield, Lancaster, Chesterfield, and all counties north thereof, September 1 to September 30 and December 20 to January 31; Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina, in the counties other than those aforesaid, November 20 to January 31; That portion of Texas north or northerly of a line beginning at the Rio Grande west of Del Rio, thence to Del Rio, thence east along Southern Pacific Railway to San Antonio, thence along International Great Northern Railway to Austin, thence east along Houston and Texas Central Railway to Brazos River, thence north up Brazos River to where Beaumont branch of Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Rail- way crosses said river, thence east along Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway to intersection with Houston East & West Texas Railway at Cleveland, thence along Houston East & West Texas Railway to the Louisiana border except the counties of Bastrop, Brazos, Burleson, Fayette, Grimes, Lee, Limestone, Milam, Montgomery, Robertson, San Jacinto, Smith, Washington, and Wood, September 1 to October 31; and That portion of Texas south of the above described boundaries and the counties hereinabove excepted, December 1 to January 16. Band-tailed pigeons.- The open seasons for band-tailed pigeons shall be as follows, both dates inclusive: California, December 1 to December 15; Arizona and Oregon, October 16 to October 30; New Mexico, October 1 to October 15; and Washington, September 16 to September 30. Regulation 5, "Daily Bag and Possession Limits on Certain Migra- tory Game Birds", is amended to read as follows: REGULATION 5.- DAIY BAG AND POSSESSION LIMITS ON CERTAIN MIGRATORY GAME BIBDS Band-tailed pigeons. 49 Stat. 3460 . A person may take in any one day during the open seasons pre- Bag and possessis scribed therefor in regulation 4 not to exceed the following numbers lnmits of migratory game birds, which numbers shall include all birds taken by any other person who for hire accompanies or assists him in taking such birds; and when so taken these may be possessed in the numbers specified as follows: Ducks (except wood duck, canvasback duck, redhead duck, ruddy Ducks- duck, and bufflehead duck). -Ten in the aggregate of all kinds, and any person at any one time may possess not more than 10 ducks in the aggregate of all kinds. Geese and brant (except snow geese and brant in Florida and all o eese and brant- States north thereof bordering on the Atlantic Ocean, and Ross's goose). -Four in the aggregate of all kinds, and any person at any one time may possess not more than 4 geese and brant in the aggregate of all kinds. Rails and gallinules (except sora and coot). - F i fteen in the aggre- RailsandgaUinle gate of all kinds, and any person at any one time may possess not more than 15 in the aggregate of all kinds. Sora. - Twenty-five, and any person at any one time may possess s ora not more than 25. Coot.- Fifteen, and any person at any one time may possess not Coot. more than 15. Wilson's snipe or jacksnipe.-F i fteen, and any person at any one cilSs snipe ' time may possess not more than 15. Woodcock. -Four, and any person at any one time may possess Woodcock not more than 4. Mourning doves.- Twenty, and any person at any one time may Mouring doves. possess not more than 20. in s. or 1765