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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/972

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INDEX A Page Abbett, Harry J. (Capt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized __- -- - - 948 Abner, Louis (Mrs.), payment to-------- 1008 Ackerman, Jacob G., provisions of Em- ployees' Compensation Act extended to----------

------ ------- ---

983 Adams, W. G., payment to------------ 1075 Adjournment of Congress, ordered for Aug. 21, 1937; signing enrolled bills, etc., after ---------------------- 1113 Agreements. See International Agree- ments Other Than Treaties. Alabama: Conecuh National Forest, lands set apart ---------------------- -- 1754 Talladega National Forest, lands set apart------------------------- 1755 Alaska, preparation of plan for develop- ing resources of ------------------- 1113 Alderman, R. H., payment to----------- 1096 Alexander, Laura E., payment to------ 1023 Alford, T. Brooks, appropriation author- ized for payment to --------------- 1002 Allen, Arthur L., adjustment of claim authorized ---------------------- - 927 Allen, G. F., credit allowed in accounts--- 942, 1017, 1029, 1102 Allen, Jack C., payment to -------- -- 1062 Allport, James H., payment to---------- 1103 A. Mateos and Sons, claim submitted to district court--------------------- 973 American Education Week, 1936, designa- tion of-------------------------- 1773 American Red Cross, contributions to, requested for flood relief ----------- 1810 Amory, A. F., claim submitted to district court--------------------------- 1058 Anderson, Walter G., payment to------- 1068 Angelina National Forest, Tex., lands set apart -------------------------- 1780 Anthony, Lois H., credit allowed in accounts ----------------------- 1102 Antonio, Spironelo, payment to--------- 1059 Arizona: Montezuma Castle National Monument, area enlarged------------------- 1817 Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, lands set apart----------------- 1827 Arizona-Continued. Tonto National Monument, area en- larged. -


Wupatki National Monument, area enlarged ----------------------- Arkansas: Migratory Bird Treaty Act, closed area- Ouachita National Forest, area enlarged_ Armistice Day, 1936, observance invited_ Arms, Ammunition, and Implements of War: Enumeration of--------------------- Spain, prohibition on exportation of, to- Armstrong, John T., provisions of Em- ployees' Compensation Act extended to ---. ... .. --

Army Day: April 6 of each year recognized as----- 1937, observance invited-------------- Arthur, Fields B., adjustment of claim authorized ---------------------- Ashe, Martha B. See Rogers, Martha B. Associated Indemnity Corporation, pay- mentto --------------------- Atkins, Hilliard B., conveyance of land to- Austin, Kenneth, adjustment of claim authorized --------------. -------. Aviation Day, National, 1937, observance invited --------------. .. -- -- -- .-- Ayer, Lucy Jane, payment to---------- B Bach, Joshua L., payment to ---------- Bahamas, parcel post agreement with --- Bahnweg, Ludwig, payment to-_

Bailey, Earl LeRoy (Lt. Comdr.), credit allowed in accounts of_ _- --....... Bailey, Miles E., credit allowed in accounts of----------------------- Baker, Alden H., payment to _ .---. --.- Baker-Whiteley Coal Company, adjust- ment of claim authorized ----. .. -- Barbee, Bigelow B. (Capt.), credit allowed in accounts of. ---- ------ ------ -.. Barker, Charles H., payment to ------- Barney, J. P . (Col.), payment to --- -- Bartlett, C. J. (Col.), payment to estate of- Baske, Alice V. (Mrs.), payment to ----. I Page 1825 1841 1794 1777 1795 1834 1831 1086 1108 1824 927 932 1098 927 1837 1012 995 1472 1055 963 1019 1095 933 925 931 990 1062 1081