Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1624

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1588 Dexter, Kans., appropriation for acquisi- tion of helium properties at--------- Dick, Lawson N., payment to----------- Dicke, L. H., payment to-------------- Dickinson Bayou, Tex., improvement au- thorized------------------------- Diplomatic and Consular Buildings and Premises, Foreign, D. C., picketing, etc., forbidden; permits; jurisdiction of offenses-- __ --- -- --- --- -- --- --- - Diplomatic and Consular Establishments, additional funds for buildings for use of, authorized ------------------ Use of American-made articles in con- struction of -------------------- Disarmament Conference, General, funds continued available --------------- Disaster Loan Corporation, lending au- thority extended to apply to dis- asters in year 1938--------------- Diseases and Sanitation Investigations, appropriation for ------ _---_------ Distillates. See Wines and Liquors. Distilled Spirits, tax on____ -- --- --- --- - Distinguished Service Medals, presenta- tion of, to certain British naval officers for assistance to survivors of U. S . S . Panay, authorized --------- _------ District Attorneys, appropriation for sala- INDEX Page 1133 1330 1269 804 30 441 442 1147 84 134 572 625 ries, etc----------- ---------- 267, 1137 District of Columbia: Appropriation for- Alcoholic Beverage Control Board__ 158 Alley Dwelling Authority----------- 414 Anacostia Park, development ------- 182 Assessor's office-------------- 86,158, 1119 Audited claims --------------- 1124, 1161 Auditor's office---------------- 158, 1120 Board of Tax Appeals-------------- 1119 Central Garage-------------------- 162 Claims, settlement of--------------- 1124 Collector's office-------- ------ 86, 158 Contingent and miscellaneous ex- penses ---------------- 87,160, 1120 Coroner's office-------------------- 158 Corporation counsel, office of _- --- _ 86, 158 Courts- Convicts, support of ------------- 87 Court of Appeals------------- 265, 1122 District Court of United States_ 265, 1122 Juvenile Court--------------- 175, 1121 Miscellaneous ----------- 87, 176, 1122 Municipal Court ------------ 176, 1122 Police Court---------------- 176, 1122 Deeds, Recorder of----------------- 160 District buildings, care of---------- 158 Electrical Department------------- 166 Emergency fund------------------- 163 Employees' compensation fund----- 86,159 Employment Service--------------- 163 District of Columbia-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Engineer Department, office of Chief Clerk------------------------ 159 Erroneous collections, refund of - -- 163 Executive office--------------- 157, 1119 Inspections, department of------- 157 Poundmaster, office of----------- 157 Purchasing division------------- 157 Fire Department------------------ 172 Health Department------- 87, 173, 1121 Contagious diseases, prevention--_ 173 Dispensaries, maintenance, etc --- 173 Food and drugs, contingent ex- penses------------------ 174, 1121 Hospitals, etc------------------- 174 Maternal and child health services_ 174 Medical charities ------------- 87, 175 Nuisances, abatement of--------- 174 Nursing service----------------- 174 Rent------------------------- 1121 Salaries-- ----------------- 173, 1121 School hygiene and sanitation, salaries--------------------- 174 Highway fund, gasoline tax and mo- tor vehicle fees- Department of Vehicles and Traf- fic------------------ 86, 184, 1124 Erroneous collections, refunding of_ 1125 Highway Department------------ 185 Police traffic control ------------- 184 Street improvements---------- 185, 1125 K St. NW., grade separation structure at Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway --------- 187 Massachusetts Ave. NW:, addi- tional culvert under ------ 188 Pennsylvania Ave., replacement of present bridge over Ana- costia River-------------- 187 Thomas Circle, underpass ------ 187 Insurance, Department of---------- 159 Judgments--------------------- 88, 1124 Mental Health, Commission on ---- 1119 Metropolitan Police --------------- 171 House of Detention-------------- 172 Miscellaneous ------------------- 171 Salaries -------------- _--------_ 171 Militia ------------- __

- 182 Minimum Wage Board------------- 159 Municipal Architect's office------ 159, 1120 Municipal Center, construction ---- . 163 National Capital Park and Planning Commission ------------------ 183 National Capital Parks------------ 183 General expenses---------------- 183 Park police --------------------- 183 Salaries ----------------------- 183 National Training School for Boys-- 87, 179, 264