Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/311

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 180-APR. 27, 1938 Contingent and mis- Contingent expenses: For contingent and miscellaneous expenses of the offices and bureaus of the Department, except the Patent Office, including those for which appropriations for contingent and miscel- laneous expenses are specifically made, including professional and scientific books, lawbooks, books of reference, periodicals, blank books, pamphlets, maps, newspapers (not exceeding $1,500); pur- chase of atlases or maps; stationery; furniture and repairs to same; carpets, matting, oilcloth, file cases, towels, ice, brooms, soap, sponges; Vehicles. fuel, lighting, and heating; purchase and exchange of motortrucks and bicycles; purchase, including exchange, of one motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle for the official use of the Secretary of Commerce, $1,800; maintenance, repair, and operation of three motor- propelled passenger-carrying vehicles (one for the Secretary of Commerce and two for the general use of the Department), and motortrucks and bicycles, to be used only for official purposes; freight and express charges; postage to foreign countries; telegraph and tele- phone service, typewriters, adding machines, and other labor-saving devices, including their repair and exchange; first-aid outfits for use in the buildings occupied by employees of this Department; and all other necessary miscellaneous items including examination of esti- mates of appropriation in the field not included in the foregoing, $129,800, which sum shall constitute the appropriation for contingent expenses of the Department, except the Patent Office, and shall also be available for the purchase of necessary supplies and equipment for field services of bureaus and offices of the Department for which contingent and miscellaneous appropriations are specifically made in order to facilitate the purchase through the central purchasing office (Division of Purchases and Sales), as provided by law. Traveling expen. Traveling expenses: For all necessary traveling expenses under the Department of Commerce, including all bureaus and divisions thereunder, and traveling expenses for the examinations authorized by the Act entitled "An Act to provide for retirement for disability 43 tat.11. in the Lighthouse Service", approved March 4, 1925 (U. S . C., title 33- 33, sec. 765), but not including travel properly chargeable to the appropriation herein for "Transportation of families and effects of officers and employees and allowances for living quarters", Bureau PlreoI utomobies of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, $1,171,150: Provided, That not a t m exceeding $6 000 of this appropriation shall be available for the hire of automobiles for travel on official business, without regard to the t.t. C.i8. provisions of the Act of July 16, 1914 (38 Stat. 508). Printing and bind- Printing and binding: For all printing and binding for the De- ing . partment of Commerce, including all of its bureaus offices, institu- / tions, and services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, except Detail o copy edi- the Patent Office, $500,000: Provided, That an amount not to exceed tors. $2,000 of this appropriation may be expended for salaries of persons detailed from the Government Printing Office for service as copy editors. Bureau of Air Com- BUREAU OF AIR COMMERCE merce. Departmentalsal- Departmental salaries: For personal services in the District of tie. Columbia, $650,000. tAirnavigation faci- Establishment of air-navigation'facilities: For the establishment Establishment of of additional aids to air navigation, including the equipment of ^ . ola" 68 e.t additional air-mail routes for day and night flying; the construction of additional necessary lighting, radio, and other signaling and com- municating structures and apparatus; the alteration and moderniza- tion of existing aids to air navigation; for personal services in the field; maintenance, repair, and operation of automobilesi for pur- chase, including exchange, of an automobile; special clothing, wear- 270 [52 STAT.