Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/108

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 71-MAR . 25, 1940 Railway postal clerks, travel allow- ance. Railway Mail Serv- ice, traveling ex- penses. Miscellaneous ex- penses. Terminal offices, etc. Electric- and cable- car service. Foreign mail trans- portation;exception. Post, p. 649. Proviso. Sea post service. Balancesdueforeign countries. Indemnities, inter- national mail. Rural Delivery Service. Stamps, stamped paper, postal cards, etc. Indemnities, domes- tic mail. Unpaid money or- ders more than one year old. Stationery, etc. Railway postal clerks, travel allowance: For travel allowance to railway postal clerks and substitute railway postal clerks, $3,250,000. Railway Mail Service, traveling expenses: For actual and neces- sary expenses, general superintendent and assistant general superin- tendent, division superintendents, assistant division superintendents, assistant superintendents, chief clerks, and assistant chief clerks, Rail- way Mail Service, and railway postal clerks, while actually traveling on business of the Post Office Department and away from their sev- eral designated headquarters, $60,000. Railway Mail Service, miscellaneous expenses: For rent, light, heat, fuel, telegraph, miscellaneous and office expenses, telephone serv- ice, badges for railway postal clerks, rental of space for terminal railway post offices for the distribution of mails when the furnishing of space for such distribution cannot, under the Postal Laws and Regulations, properly be required of railroad companies without additional compensation, and for equipment and miscellaneous items necessary to terminal railway post offices, $450,000. Electric- and cable-car service: For electric- and cable-car Service, $230,000. Foreign mail transportation: For transportation of foreign mails, except by aircraft, $2,670,000: Provided, That the Postmaster Gen- eral is authorized to expend such sums as may be necessary, not to exceed $70,000, to cover the cost to the United States for maintaining sea post service on ocean steamships conveying the mails to and from the United States. Balances due foreign countries: For balances due foreign coun- tries, fiscal year 1941 and prior years, $1,200,000. Indemnities, international mail: For payment of limited indemnity for the injury or loss of international mail in accordance with con- vention, treaty, or agreement stipulations, fiscal year 1941 and prior years, $10,000. Rural Delivery Service: For pay of rural carriers, auxiliary car- riers, substitutes for rural carriers on annual and sick leave, clerks in charge of rural stations, and tolls and ferriage, Rural Delivery Service, and for the incidental expenses thereof, $91,840,000, of which not less than $200,000 shall be available for extensions and new service. OFFICE OF THE THIRD ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Manufacture and distribution of stamps and stamped paper: For manufacture of adhesive postage stamps, special-delivery stamps, books of stamps, stamped envelopes, newspaper wrappers, postal cards, and for coiling of stamps, and including not to exceed $22,500 for pay of agent and assistants to examine and distribute stamped envelopes and newspaper wrappers, and for expenses of agency, $4,500,000. Indemnities, domestic mail: For payment of limited indemnity for the injury or loss of pieces of domestic registered matter, insured and collect-on-delivery mail, and for failure to remit collect-on- delivery charges, $522,500. Unpaid money orders more than one year old: For payment of domestic money orders after one year from the last day of the month of issue of such orders, $190,000. OFFICE OF THE FOURTH ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Post office stationery, equipment, and supplies: For stationery for the Postal Service, including the money-order and registry system; 74 [54 STAT.