Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/132

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 77-APR . 6 , 1940 Treasury Depart- ment. 49 Stat. 1755. 49 Stat. 84. War Department. For transportation of families and effects of officers and employees, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, $30. For Special Mexican Claims Commission, $8.12. For contingent expenses, Foreign Service, $70. For office and living quarters, Foreign Service, $9.62. Treasury Department: For collecting the internal revenue, $267.54. For contingent expenses, Coast Guard, $168.46. For general expenses, Lighthouse Service, $21.44 . For suppressing counterfeiting and other crimes, $54.30. For pay and allowances, Coast Guard, $664.21 . For Coast Guard, $194.47. For contingent expenses, Treasury Department, $135.25. For repairs to Coast Guard vessels, $5.70. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Narcotics, $30.27. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, $4.83. For special projects, Lighthouse Service, $475. For outfits, Coast Guard, $1.12 . For retired pay, Lighthouse Service, $42.25. For salaries and expenses, Division of Disbursement, $21.22. For collecting the revenue from customs, $9.96 . For stationery, Treasury Department, $10.35. For salaries and administrative expenses, section 915, Revenue Act of 1936 (transfer from exportation and domestic consumption of agri- cultural commodities, Department of Agriculture, 1936), $18.31. For debentures or drawbacks, bounties or allowances (Customs), $106.19. For furniture and repairs of same for public buildings, Procure- ment Division, $41.40. For medical and hospital service, penal institutions (Justice trans- fer to Treasury, Public Health Service, Act of March 22, 1935), 55 cents. For quarantine service, $13.66. For repairs, preservation, and equipment, public buildings, Pro- curement Division, $2.29. For pay of personnel and maintenance of hospitals, Public Health Service, $17.15. War Department: For general appropriations, Quartermaster Corps, $31,730.76. For pay of the Army, $15,905.95. For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $9,638.16. For Army transportation, $899.34. For subsistence of the Army, $938.07. For National Guard, $1,387.21. For barracks and quarters, Army, 24 cents. For replacing Army transportation, $161.94. For travel, military and civil personnel, War Department, $1.50. For payment to officers and employees of the United States in for- eign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies (War), $259.89. For pay, and so forth, of the Army, War with Spain, $4.62. For supplies, services, and transportation, Quartermaster Corps, $153.53. For repairs of arsenals, Army, 5 cents. For claims of officers and men of the Army for destruction of private property, $68.33 . For medical and hospital department, Army, $130.53. For ammunition-storage facilities, Army, $13.83. [54 STAT.