Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1365

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INDEX New York World's Fair, 1939: Page Imported exhibits, time extension for sale or abandonment of----------- 18 New York World's Fair, 1940: Distilled spirits, etc., importation for on-premises consumption, time ex- tension-------------------------180 Dutiable articles imported for exhibi- tion, extension of time for free ad- mittance------ --- ----- ---- _ 180 Participation by United States------- _ 215 Appropriation authorized-------- - 216 Appropriation for--------------- 634 Newlands Project, Nev., appropriation for reclamation charges against Paiute Indian lands--------- . --- -- -- -- -- 421 Newport, R. I.: Appropriation for- Naval Torpedo Station- Construction work, etc---- 282, 607,879 Ferry boat, acquisition of--------- 605 Naval Training Station- Construction work--- _---------_ 878 Maintenance, etc---------- 28, 267, 295 Newport, Wash., appropriation for care of graves of firefighters--------------- 547 Niagara Falls, N. Y., bridge across Niagara River at, provisions modified------- 107 Niagara River, bridge across, at Niagara Falls, N. Y., provisions modified - _- 107 Nicaragua, appropriation for minister to-- 183 Niobrara, Nebr., bridge authorized across Missouri River at---------------- 256 Noble, Flora and W. F ., re-formation of lease for Sellwood Station of Portland, Oreg., post office------. ------ ----- 1019 Norfolk, Va.: Appropriation for- Hydrographic office--- ------------ 290 Naval Air Station, construction work, etc----------------------- 607, 880 Naval Hospital, construction work, etc-------------------------- 880 Naval Operating Base, construction work, etc--- ------------- 281, 877 Naval Supply Depot, construction work, etc-------------------- 881 Naval Training Station- Construction work, etc ---------- 878 Maintenance, etc---- ----- 29, 268, 295 Navy Yard, construction work, etc__ 282, 606, 877 Submarine Base, construction work, etc-------------------------- Limit of cost of construction of garage increased- -

Naval aviation facilities, appropriation for construction authorized---- Norfolk Harbor, Va., improvement author- ized-, - _---------_-------------- 877 633 400 1199 North Carolina: XCV Page Appropriation for- Great Smoky Mountains National Park ---------------------- _ 446 Indians, support, etc----------- 426, 428 Blue Ridge Parkway- Administration and maintenance ---- 249 Cherokee Indian Reservation, con- veyance of lands for right-of-way across------ ----

299 Payment by State to U. S-------. 300 Cape Hatteras National Seashore, name changed to Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreational Area ------- 702 Hunting permitted in designated areas ------------ _ -- - -_ -- _ _- 702 Fishing in territorial waters, etc., of Atlantic Ocean, compacts with other States for regulation of------ 261 Pope Field, appropriation for authorized work at----------------------- 361 Rivers and harbors, improvements authorized ---------------- __-- 1199 Wilmington National Cemetery, estab- lishment of boundary lines author- ized---- ---------..----------- 214 North Dakota: Appropriation for- Indians- Construction and repair of build- ings -------------------- 430, 431 Support, etc----------------- 424,426 Fargo, grant of easement across certain U. S. land authorized ------------ 503 Little Missouri River, interstate com- pact for division of water supply authorized --------------------- 382 Turtle Mountain Reservation, purchase of lands, etc., for Indians, author- ized------------------------- 219 Yellowstone River, interstate compact for division of water supply author- ized-- ----------------------- 399 North Little Rock, Ark., revised plans for construction of flood-control project at -.---- .... ..- _.---_- North Platte Project, Nebr.-Wyo., appro- priation for operation and mainte- nance ---------------- North Slough, Oreg., time extended for construction of dam and dike ---- Northern Idaho Indians, Idaho, appro- priation for construction and repair of buildings--------------------- Northern Navajo Hospital, N. Mex., ap- propriation for ------------------ Norway, appropriation for minister to--- . Nurse Corps, Army and Navy, retirement benefits for disabled members------ 508 434 715 431 426 183 1192