Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/179

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54 STAT.] 76TII CONG. , 3D SESS.--CHS. 119, 123-APR. 20, 22 , 1940 SEc. 2 . The words "funeral expenses" as used in this Act, and in subsequent Acts appropriating funds as herein authorized, shall be construed to include the expenses of, and incident to, the recovery of bodies; cremation, but only on request of the relatives of the deceased; preparation for burial; transportation to the home of the deceased or to a national or other cemetery designated by proper authority; and interment. SEC. 3. Funeral expenses shall be allowed for- (a) Officers and enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps, including those on the retired lists who die while on active duty; (b) Members of the Nurse Corps (female) of the Navy, including those on the retired list who die while on active duty; (c) Members of the Naval Reserve or Marine Corps Reserve who die while on active or training duty, or while performing authorized travel to or from such duty; (d) Accepted applicants for enlistment; (e) Civilian employees of the Navy Department or the Naval Establishment who have been ordered away from their homes in the United States to duty outside the continental limits of the United States and who die while on such duty or while performing author- ized travel to or from such duty; (f) Former enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps who were discharged while patients in hospitals and who remain as patients in such hospitals to the day of their death; and (g) Pensioners and destitute patients who die in naval hospitals: Provided, That only the expenses of preparation for burial and interment shall be allowed in disposing of the remains of such pen- sioners and destitute patients. SEC. 4 . The provisions of this Act shall apply in the case of personnel temporarily absent with or without leave when death occurred. SEC. 5. In any case where funeral expenses authorized by this Act are incurred prior to receipt of official authority, reimbursement may be made in the amount allowed by the Navy Department for such services. SEc. 6. Funds to be expended under such regulations as the Secre- tary of the Navy may prescribe are hereby authorized to be appro- priated as may be necessary from time to time for the purchase and care of cemetery lots; for the care of graves of deceased personnel of the Navy and Marine Corps outside the continental limits of the United States, with which shall be included those in sites not owned by the United States; and for the removal of remains from aban- doned cemeteries to naval or national cemeteries or to the homes of the persons deceased, with which shall be included remains interred in isolated graves in the United States and abroad and remains tem- porarily interred. Approved, April 20, 1940. [CHAPTER 123] AN ACT To authorize an exchange of lands between the city of San Diego, California, and the United States, and acceptance by gift of certain lands from the city of San Diego, California. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized to transfer under such conditions as may be approved by the said Secretary, to the city of San Diego, California, without cost to the said city of San Diego, California, all right, title, and interest in and to the following parcels, 193470--41 -PT . I -10 145 "Funeral expenses" defined. Persons entitled to benefits. Post, p. 248 . Pensioners and des- titute patients dying in naval hospitals. Proviso. Restriction. Personnel tempo- rarily absent when death occurred. Reimbursement for expenses incurred; limitation. Items included in expenses. Post, p . 279. April 22, 1940 [5. 2993] [Public, No. 466] San Diego, Calif. Exchange of lands authorized.