Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/477

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54 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CH. 395-JUNE 18, 1940 exceed $22,600 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia; Mining experiment stations: For the employment of personal serv- ices, purchase of laboratory gloves, goggles, rubber boots, and aprons, the purchase not to exceed $3,000, exchange as part payment for, maintenance and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for official use in field work, and all other expenses in con- nection with the establishment, maintenance, and operation of mining experiment stations, as provided in the Act authorizing additional mining experiment stations, approved March 3, 1915 (30 U. S . C. 8), $567,000, of which appropriation not to exceed $17,100 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia; Buildings and grounds, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: For care and maintenance of buildings and grounds at Pittsburgh and Bruceton, Pennsylvania, including personal services, the purchase, exchange as part payment for, operation, maintenance, and repair of passenger automobiles for official use, and all other expenses requisite for and incident thereto, including not to exceed $5,000 for additions and improvements, $100,000; Economics of mineral industries: For inquiries and investigations, and the dissemination of information concerning the economic prob- lems of the mining, quarrying, metallurgical, and other mineral industries, with a view to assuring ample supplies and efficient dis- tribution of the mineral products of the mines and quarries, includ- ing studies and reports relating to uses, reserves, production, distribution, stocks, consumption, prices, and marketing of mineral commodities and primary products thereof; preparation of the reports of the mineral resources of the United States, including special statis- tical inquiries; and including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; purchase of furniture and equipment; sta- tionery and supplies; typewriting, adding and computing machines, accessories and repairs; newspapers; traveling expenses; purchase, not exceeding $1,200, exchange as part payment for, operation, main- tenance, and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for official use in field work; and for all other necessary expenses not included in the foregoing, $336,920, of which amount not to exceed $234,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia; Investigation of domestic sources of mineral supply: For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the work of the Bureau of Mines in performing the duties imposed upon it by section 7 of the Act of June 7, 1939 (Public, Numbered 117, Seventy-sixth Congress); including the purchase of professional and scientific books; not to exceed $1,000 for printing and binding; purchase not to exceed $15,000, exchange as part payment for, operation, maintenance, and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for official use in field work and in transporting employees between their homes and temporary locations where they may be employed; purchase of gog- gles, gloves, rubber boots, miners' hats, aprons, and such other articles of personal wearing apparel or equipment as may be required for the protection of employees while engaged in their work; the construc- tion, maintenance, and repair of necessary camp buildings and min- ing structures and appurtenances thereto; and including not to exceed $15,000 for personal services in the District of Columbia, $350,000: Provided, That section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (41 U. S. C. 5) shall not be construed to apply to any purchase or service rendered when the amount involved does not exceed the sum of $500; Helium production and investigations: The sums made available for the fiscal year 1941 in the Acts making appropriations for the 443 Mining experiment stations. Post, p . 1042. 38 Stat. 959. Buildings and grounds, Pittsburgh and Bruceton, Pa. Economics of min- eral industries. Post, p . 1041. Vehicles. Investigation of do- mestic sources of min- eral supply. P'ot, p. 1042 . 53 Stat. 812. 60 IT.S. C., Supp. V, s8r. Printing and bind. in inehicles. Proriso. Minor purchases. Post, p. 1109. Helium production and investigations. Ante, pp. 282 364. 365.