Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/597

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54 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CH. 421 -JUNE 25, 1940 for pursuant to an appropriation warrant or a covering warrant, and all such expenditures shall be accounted for and audited in accord- ance with the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended. THE SUGAR ACT OF 1937 To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the provisions, other than those specifically relating to the Philippine Islands, of the Sugar Act of 1937, approved September 1, 1937 (7 U. S. C. 1100-1183), and the employment of persons and means, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, as authorized by said Act $46,675,000, together with $1,300,000 of the unobligated balance of the appropriation provided under this head by the Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1939, approved May 2, 1939 (53 Stat. 626), in all not to exceed $47,975,000, to remain available until June 30, 1942: Provided, That conditional payments in connection with the 1940 sugar program shall not be made if, by proclamation under section 509 of said Act, title II or title III shall have been suspended and shall remain suspended until July 1, 1940. PARITY PAYMENTS To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to make parity payments to producers of wheat, cotton, corn (in the commercial corn-produc- ing area), rice, and tobacco pursuant to the provisions of section 303 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, $212,000,000: Provided, That such payments with respect to any such commodity shall be made with respect to a farm only in the event that the acreage planted to the commodity for harvest on the farm in 1941 is not in excess of the farm acreage allotment established for the commodity under the agricultural conservation program. DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS COMMODITIES To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to further carry out the provisions of section 32, as amended, of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and for other purposes", approved August 24, 1935, and subject to all provisions of law relating to the expenditure of funds appropriated by such section, $85,000,000. Such sum shall be immediately available and shall be in addition to, and not in substitution for, other appropriations made by such section or for the purpose of such section: Provided, That not in excess of 25 per centum of the funds herein made available may be devoted to any one agricultural commodity: Providedfurther, That said 25 per centum provision and the like provision in said section 32, as amended, shall not apply to amounts devoted to a stamp plan for the removal of surplus agricultural commodities from funds made available hereby and by said section 32, and, not- withstanding expenditures under such stamp plan, the 25 per centum provision shall continue to be calculated on the aggregate amount available hereunder and under said section 32. INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION CONTROL COMMITTEES During the fiscal year 1941 the Secretary of Agriculture may expend not to exceed $17,500 from the funds available to the Agri- cultural Adjustment Administration for the share of the Umnted States as a member of the International Wheat Advisory Committee, the International Sugar Council, or like events or bodies concerned 563 42 Stat. 20 . 31U.S.C., bh. 1; Supp. V, ch. 1. Sugar Act of 1937. 50 Stat. 903. 7 U.S. C ., Supp.V, § 1100-1183. Reappropriation. Proviso. Conditional pay- ments. 50 Stat. 916. 7U. S.C., Supp.V, § 1179. Parity payments. 62 Stat. 45 . 7U.. C ., Supp.V, 1303. Provimo. Condition. Funds for adminis- trative expenses. 49 Stat. 774. 7 U. S.C., Supp. V, § 612c. Prooas. Itestrlctl onon use of funds. Stamp plan. Share of U. S. for membershipexpenses.