Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/535

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 271-JULY 1, 1941 MISCELLANEOUS For the maintenance of schools for crippled pupils, $4,000. For transportation for pupils attending schools for sight-conserva- ProMo. tion pupils, and crippled pupils, $17,400: Provided, That expendi- tures for streetcar and bus fares from this fund shall not be subject to the general limitations on the use of streetcar and bus fares covered by this Act. Manual, etc., train- For purchase and repair of furniture, tools, machinery, material, and books, and apparatus to be used in connection with instruction in manual and vocational training, and incidental expenses connected therewith, purchase and installation (not exceeding $100) of dual- cDrsier-training control equipment for use in driver-training courses, and for insur- ance and all other necessary expenses in connection with the operation, maintenance, and repair of District owned or loaned auto- mobiles used in driver-training courses, $70,775, to be immediately available. For fuel, gas, and electric light and power, $323,600. For contingent expenses, including United States flags, furniture and repairs of same, stationery, ice, paper towels, and other necessary items not otherwise provided for, and including not exceeding $10,000 for books of reference and periodicals, not exceeding $1,500 for replacement of pianos at an average cost of not to exceed $300 each, and not exceeding $7,000 for labor; in all, $160,387, to be immediately available, of which not to exceed $2,100 may be expended for tabulat- ing school census cards either by contract or by day labor as the ilitary supplies Commissioners may determine: Provided, That a bond shall not be bond not required required on account of military supplies or equipment issued by the War Department for military instruction and practice by the students of high schools in the District of Columbia. For the replacement of furniture and equipment and for the purchase of equipment for additional classrooms in existing school buildings, $22,983. eurnishing and For completely furnishing and equipping buildings and additions buildings, to buildings, as follows: Syphax Schoo addition, Woodrow Wilson High School, new elementary schools at Minnesota Avenue and Ely Place Southeast, and at Pennsylvania and Alabama Avenues South- east, and M. M . Washington Vocational School addition; $34,190, to be immediately available. For textbooks and other educational books and supplies as author- D. C. Code3l-4 1 1 ized by the Act of January 31, 1930 (46 Stat. 62), including not to exceed $7,000 for personal services, $200,000, to be immediately available. For maintenance of kindergartens, $5,600, to be immediately available. scienes etc., deepa- For purchase of apparatus, fixtures, specimens, technical books, mcnts. and for extending the equipment and for the maintenance of labora- tories of the department of physics, chemistry, biology, and general science in the several high and junior high schools vocational schools, and teachers colleges, and for the installation of the same, $17,925, to be immediately available. For utensils, materials, and labor, for establishment and main- tenance of school gardens, and for use in teaching elementary science in connection therewith, $4,800. For repairs and improvements to school buildings and grounds, including purchase, exchange, and maintenance of motortrucks, not to exceed $30,000 for replacement of boilers, not to exceed $10,125 BlOWL for replacement of the heating plant at the Blow School, not to exceed $3,000 for replacement of insanitary drinking fountains, not 510 [55 STAT.