Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/229

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[55 STAT. Duration. It shall come into force ten days after its publication in ac- cordance with the laws of the High Contracting Parties, the said period to run from the date of its publication in the country last publishing, and it shall con- tinue and shall terminate in the same manner as the above-men- tioned Treaty of February 27, 1903. In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have subscribed and affixed their seals to this Convention, in duplicate in the English and Spanish languages in the City of Guatemala on the twentieth day of February, nine- teen hundred and forty. FAY ALLEN DESPORTES. [BEALJ AND WHEREAS the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged at Guatemala City on the sixth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one; AND WHEREAS it is stipulated in Article IV of the said Convention that the Convention shall come into force ten days after its publica- tion in accordance with the laws of the High Contracting Parties, the said period to run from the date of its publication in the country last publishing; AND WHEREAS the said Convention was published by the Govern- ment of Guatemala in accordance with its laws on February 18, 1941; Now, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, have caused the Convention to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States of America and the citizens thereof on and from March Effective date. 13, 1941, the tenth day after the date of this my Proclamation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have caused the Seal of the United States of America to be hereunto affixed. DONE at the city of Washington this third day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-one, and [SEAL] of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixty-fifth. FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT By the President: CORDELL HULL Secretary of State. Entrarh en vigor diez dias despues de su publicaci6n de conformidad con las leyes de las Altas Partes Contratantes, debien- do contarse dicho periodo desde la fecha de su publicaci6n en el pais que mas tardare en hacerlo; y continuarh y terminara en la misma forma que el referido Tra- tado de 27 de febrero de 1903. En fe de lo cual, los respectivos Plenipotenciarios han suscrito y sellado esta Convenci6n, por dupli- cado, en los idiomas ingl6s y espaiol, en la ciudad de Guate- mala, a los veinte dias del mes de febrero de mil novecientos cua- renta. CARLOB SALAZAR [SEAL] 1100 TREATIES