Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/236

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55 STAT.] DOMINICAN REPUBLIC-CUSTOMS REVENUES-SEPT. 24, 1940 American Bankers Association, or his duly authorized representative, shall be requested to make the nomination; provided, however, that neither a Bank nor a person previously rejected by either Gov- ernment may be so nominated. In the event that a Bank or person is nominated in accordance with this procedure, the two Governments shall designate such nominee. The official representing the holders of the bonds of the ex- ternal debt of 1922 and 1926 shall, with the approval of the two Governments, designate a deputy to serve in his stead in the event of his temporary absence or in- capacity. ARTICLE III o de uno de los Vicepresidentes de la Asociaci6n Americana de Banqueros, o de su representante debidamente autorizado, que haga dicha proposici6n, a condici6n, sin embargo, de que ni un banco ni una persona anteriormente repu- diada por cualquiera de los Gobier- nos puedan ser propuestos. En el caso de que un banco o una persona sea propuesta de acuerdo con este procedimiento, los dos Gobiernos nombraran al banco o persona en esa forma propuesta. El funcionario que represente a los tenedores de bonos de la deuda externa de 1922 y 1926, nombrara, con la aprobaci6n de los dos Gobiernos, el sustituto que ha de servir en su lugar en el caso de su ausencia o incapacidad temporales. ARTfCULO III During the first ten days of each calendar month the representative of the holders of the bonds of the external debt of 1922 and 1926 or his deputy shall receive, by en- dorsement and orders of payment which shall be issued to the Depository Bank by the Domini- can Government through the in- termediary of the Secretary of State for Treasury and Com- merce, the sum necessary to cover monthly payments as follows: (1) the payment of one-twelfth of the annual interest charges of all of the outstanding bonds of the ex- ternal debt of 1922 and 1926; (2) the payment of one-twelfth of the annual amounts designated for the amortization of the said bonds, including the interest of all the bonds which are or may be re- tained in the sinking fund. The said amortization shall be com- En los diez primeros. dias de cada mes natural el representante de los tenedores de bonos de la deuda externa de 1922 y 1926, o su sustituto, recibira por endoso y mediante 6rdenes de pago que le seran dadas al Banco depositario por el Gobierno Dominicano por la via de la Secretaria de Estado del Tesoro y Comercio, la suma nece- saria para cubrir los pagos men- suales de la manera siguiente: Primero:- Al pago de una duo- decima parte de los intereses anuales de todos los bonos pen- dientes de la deuda externa de 1922 y 1926; Segundo:- Al pago de una duo- decima parte de las cantidades anuales sefialadas para la amorti- zaci6n de dichos bonos, incluyendo el interes de todos los bonos que esten o puedan ser retenidos en el fondo de amortizaci6n. Dicha Monthly payments. 1107