Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/246

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55 STAT.] DOMINICAN REPUBLIC-CUSTOMS REVENUES-SEPT. 24, 1940 1117 [Translation] LEGATION OF THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, WASHINGTON, September 24, 1940. MR. SECRETARY: I have the honor, on instructions of my Government, to refer to the convention between the Dominican Republic and the United States of America, signed today, and to confirm to you the under- standing reached by our two Governments with regard to pensions, in the following terms: In recognition of the long and faithful services of Messrs. w. E Punliam and N. L. Orme, pensions. W. E . Pulliam and N. L . Orme, performed in connection with their duties as officials of the General Receivership of Customs, and who have, since their retirement, been receiving pensions of two hundred dollars ($200.00) per month, the Dominican Govern- ment agrees to pay to Messrs. Pulliam and Orme pensions of that amount during their lifetimes. The Dominican Government will initiate and insure the passage of legislation making the necessary provisions for these payments on the date on which the convention signed today becomes effective. During the first ten days of each calendar month thereafter the Dominican Government undertakes to notify the Depository Bank of the Dominican Government of the payment of the above- mentioned pensions. A copy of this note, after it has been duly authenticated and when it shall have been received by the Depository Bank of the Dominican Government, shall constitute the Bank's authority for withholding any disbursement of the Government until notice of the said payment of the above-men- tioned pensions has been received. The Dominican Government formally agrees that the under- taking herein expressed has the same force and validity as the convention signed today. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration. RAFAEL L. TRUJILLO Ambassador Extraordinaryon Special Mission His Excellency CORDELL HULL, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C .