Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/289

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TREATIES La Junta elegira de entre sus miembros, un Presidente y un Vicepresidente, quienes ocuparan sus cargos por el periodo que la misma Junta determine. Seat of Board. La sede de la Junta ser la ciudad de Washington, D. C . ARTfCULO X Additional powers and duties of Board. The Board shall elect from among its members a Chairman and a Vice Chairman who shall hold office for such period as it may determine. The seat of the Board shall be in Washington, D. C . ARTICLE X The Board shall have the fol- lowing powers and duties in ad- dition to those specifically set forth in other Articles of this Agreeement: (a) The general administration of the present Agreement; (b) To appoint any employees that it may consider necessary and determine their powers, du- ties, compensation and duration of employment; (c) To appoint an Executive Committee and such other per- manent or temporary committees as it considers advisable, and to determine their functions and duties; (d) To approve an annual bud- get of expenses and fix the amount to be contributed by each partici- pating Government, in accordance with the principles laid down in Article XIII; (e) To seek such information as it may deem necessary to the proper operation and administra- tion of this Agreement; and to publish such information as it may consider desirable; (f) To make an annual report covering all of its activities and any other matters of interest in connection with this Agreemnet at the end of each quota year. This report shall be transmitted to each of the participating Governments. La Junta, ademas de las facul- tades y deberes que establecen otros articulos de este Convenio, tendra los siguientes: a) La administraci6n general del presente Convenio; b) Nombrar los empleados que considere necesarios y determinar las atribuciones y deberes de estos, lo mismo que sus salarios y el tiempo de duraci6n de sus cargos; c) Nombrar un Comit6 Ejecu- tivo y cualesquiera otros comites permanentes o temporales que considere convenientes, y deter- minar sus facultades y deberes; d) Aprobar un presupuesto anual de erogaciones y determinar la suma con que debe contribuir cada Gobierno participante, de conformidad con lo estipulado en el Articulo XIII; e) Solicitar aquellas informa- ciones que considere necesarias para el debido funcionamiento y administraci6n de este Convenio; publicar aquellas que estime con- venientes; f) Presentar, al finalizar cada afio de cuota, un informe que cubra todas las actividades de la Junta durante el mismo afo, asi como otros asuntos de interes relacionados con este Convenio. Dicho informe serh trasmitido a cada uno de los Gobiernos partici- pantes. 1160 [55 STAT.