Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/319

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55 STAT.] MEXICO-TRANSIT OF MILITARY AIRCRAFT-APR . 1 , 1941 Agreement between the United States of America and Mexico respecting the transit of military aircraft. Signed at Washington April 1, 1941; ratification advised by the Senate of the United States April 3, 1941; ratified by the President of the United States April 8, 1941; ratified by Mexico April 15, 1941; ratifications exchanged at Washington April 25, 1941; proclaimed by the Presidentof the United States April 28, 1941. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS an Agreement between the United States of America and Mexico to Facilitate the Reciprocal Transit of Military Aircraft through the territories and territorial waters of the two countries was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one, the original of which Agreement, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: AGREEMENT TO FACILITATE THE RECIPROCAL TRANSIT OF MILITARY AIRCRAFT The Under Secretary of State of the United States of America, Sumner Welles, and the Ambas- sador Extraordinary and Plenipo- tentiary of Mexico, Dr. Francisco Castillo Najera, the former ap- pointed by the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roose- velt, and the latter by the Presi- dent of Mexico, General Manuel Avila Camacho, after having com- municated to each other their re- spective full powers, which were found to be in due and proper form, and following instructions from their Governments, declare: that both countries, the United States and Mexico, in view of the exceptional circumstances which have arisen from the present Euro- pean conflict, and taking into consideration the necessity of en- CONVENIO PARA FACILITAR EL TRANSITO RECIPROCO DE AERONAVES MILITARES El Subsecretario de Estado de los Estados Unidos, senor Sumner Welles, y el Embajador Extraor- dinario y Plenipotenciario de M6xi- co, Doctor Francisco Castillo Na- jera, nomgrado el primero por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos, sefior Franklin D. Roosevelt, y el segundo por el Presidente de Mexico, sefior General Manuel Avila Camacho, despues de ha- berse comunicado sus Plenos Poderes, de haberlos encontrado en debida forma, y siguiendo ins- trucciones por ellos recibidas de sus Gobiernos, declaran: que los dos paises, los Estados Unidos y M6xico, dadas las circunstancias excepcionales que ha venido a sus- citar el actual conflicto europeo, y teniendo en cuenta la necesidad de asegurar condiciones de mAxi- April 1, 1941 [T. S. 971] 1191