Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/325

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ECUADOR-EXTRADITION-SEPT. 22, 1939 The President of the Republic of Ecuador; His Excellency the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Doc- tor Julio Tobar Donoso. Who, after having exhibited to each other their respective full powers, which were found to be in due and proper form, have agreed to and concluded the following articles: ARTICLE I The High Contracting Parties agree that the following crimes are added to the list of crimes numbered 1st to 6th in the second Article of the Treaty of Extra- dition concluded between the United States of America and the Republic of Ecuador on June 28, 1872; that is to say: 7th. Embezzlement by a person hired or salaried, to the detriment of his employer, where the amount of money or the value of the prop- erty embezzled exceeds two hun- dred dollars, or Ecuadorean equivalent. 8th. Perjury or the suborna- tion of perjury. 9th. Malicious destruction, or attempted destruction of railways, bridges, vessels, dwellings, public edifices, or other buildings, when the act endangers human life. 10th. Abortion. 11th. Abduction or detention of women or girls for immoral pur- poses. 12th. Bigamy. 13th. Kidnaping of minors or adults, defined to be the abduction or detention of a person or persons, in order to exact money from them, their families or any other person or persons, or for any other unlawful end. El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America; al Excelen- tisimo Sefior Boaz Long, Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Pleni- potenciario de los Estados Unidos de America en el Ecuador. Quienes, despu6s de haberse exhibido mutuamente sus respec- tivos plenos poderes, hallados en buena y debida forma, han con- venido y concluido en los siguien- tes articulos: ARTICULO I Las Altas Partes Contratantes convienen en que se afadan las siguientes infracciones a la lista de delitos enumerados del lo. al 6o. en el segundo articulo del Tratado de Extradici6n celebrado entre la Repdblica del Ecuador y los Estados Unidos de America el 28 de junio de 1.872; o sean: 7o.- Desfalco por una persona empleada o asalariada, en detri- mento de su patrono, cuando la cantidad de dinero o el valor de los bienes desfalcados exceda de doscientos d6lares, o de su equiva- lente en moneda ecuatoriana. 80. -Perjurio o soborno para tm perjurio. 9o.-Destrucci6n maliciosa,o in- tento de destrucci6n de ferrocarri- les, puentes, barcos, habitaciones, edificios pfblicos, u otros edificios, cuando el acto ponga en peligro la vida humana. 10o.- Aborto. 1 lo. - Rapto o detenci6n de mu- jeres o muchachas con fines in- morales. 12o.- B igamia. 13o.-Secuestro de menores o adultos, definido como el rapto o detenci6n de una persona o per- sonas, con el fin de exigir dinero de ellas, de sus familias o de cua- lesquiera otra persona o personas, o con cualquier otro fin ilegal. Additions to list of extraditable crimes. 1197 55 STAT.]