Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1126

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INDEX Agricultural Extension Work, appro- priation for payment to States, etc -- Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, administrative expenses, limitation----------------------- Agricultural Marketing Service. See under Agriculture, Department of. Agricultural War Relations, Office for, appropriation for- _-- -- --- --- -- -- Agriculture, Department of. See also Agriculture, Secretary of; Farmers. Agricultural Adjustment Administra- tion, reimbursement for certain administrative expenses __- - -- -- Agricultural adjustment programs, set- tlement of claims and accounts incident to __------------------ Agricultural Marketing Service- Apples, production estimates, re- striction ------------------- Cotton acreage, restriction on use of funds for report on _--------- Farm products, market inspection of- Inspection certificates, receipt in court as prima facie evidence- Vehicles, privately owned, use of- Samples, etc., sale authorized ----- Agricultural research, allotments to States, etc., for------------------ Animal Industry, Bureau of- Cattle tick eradication, limitation on purchase of animals and materi- als------------------------- Page 671 41 714 692 324 687 687 688 68' 68i 67( 67! Destroyed animals, indemnity for- 674, 671 Appropriation Act, 1943------------- 66' Appropriation for- Agricultural Chemistry and Engineer- ing, Bureau of------------- 682, 100: Agricultural commodities, exportation and domestic consumption ----- 69 Agricultural Economics, Bureau of-- 67 Agricultural land resources, conser- vation and use of-------------- 69 Agricultural Marketing Service------ 68 Animal Industry, Bureau of- --- 673, 100 Arid and semiarid areas, water facili- ties------------------------ 69 Audited claims - 113, 118, 605, 608, 100 Beltsville Research Center, Md _ - 674 677, 69 Commodity Credit Corporation_ 693, 100 Commodity Exchange Act, enforce- ment of --------------------- 69 Contingent expenses -------------- 66 Dairy Industry, Bureau of--------- 67 Damage claims ----------- 110, 602, 10C .Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bureau of---------------- 240, 6E Experiment Stations, Office of------ 6- 1 )7 8 I, 18 H1 10 15 '6 16 13 $9 kgriculture, Department oi--ontmue. aue Appropriation for-Continued. Extension Service----------------- 671 Farm Credit Administration -------- 699 Crop production and harvesting loans---------------------- 700 Federal Farm Mortgage Corpo- ration---------------- 596, 701 Salaries and expenses _--------- - 699 Farm forestry, cooperative--------- 697 Farm Tenant Act----------------- 695 Federal Crop Insurance Act-------- 695 Federal Farm Mortgage Corpora- tion --------------------- 596, 701 Food Board, Combined ------------ 1001 Foreign Agricultural Relations, Office of---------------------- 673, 1001 Forest roads and trails------------- 682 Forest Service---------- 104, 239, 596, 678 Forest-fire control, emergency___ 239, 596 Forest-fire cooperation----------- 681 Lands for national forests, acquisi- tion of--------------------- 682 Salaries and expenses ---------- 678 Home Economics, Bureau of------ 690, 714 Information, Office of-------------- 667 Judgments-------------------- 110, 604 July 1942, expenditures during------ 652 Library ------------------------ 669 Loans, grants, and rural rehabilita- tion --

---- ---- --- ----

696 Miscellaneous expenses------------- 665 Orchard rehabilitation loans -------- 596 Parity payments------------------ 693 Plant Industry, Bureau of---------- 676 Printing and binding--------------- 668 Production Control Committees, In- ternational ------------------- 695 Rubber project, emergency-- 240, 596, 1001 Rural Electrification Administration- 698 Rural rehabilitation --------------- 696 Salaries------------------------- 664 Secretary, Office of-------------- 664, 714 Agricultural War Relations, Office for --------

Soil Conservation Service--------- Solicitor, Office of--------- Special Research Fund-------- Sugar Act of 1937----------------- White-pine blister rust control ----- Appropriations, interchange of-------- Central storehouse, use of-_ --- --- -- Citizenship requirements, employees - Commodity Credit Corporation. See separate title. Cotton prices, prediction by employees, restriction ------ --- ----- -- Croatan National Forest, N. C., transfer of custody of portion. -- - -- -- - -- 714 690 667 671 694 686 698 666 702 173 - - - -. - - --