Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1147

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Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1942, First- Page Continued. Deiense iignway Act of 1941, Amend- Page ments: Access roads; appropriation authorized 562 "Strategic network of highways," def- inition ------------

562 Defense Homes Corporation, exchanges of lands in D. C------ .-- _-- -- -_- 752 Defense Housing. See Housing, Na- tional-Defense. Defense Housing Insurance. See Na- tional Housing Act Amendments of 1942. Defense Plants Corporation, service and administration of loans to small busi- ness ---------- __ _--------------_ 355 Defense Transportation, Office of, appro- priation for--------- ___ --. _--- 708, 996 Deficiency Appropriation Acts. See also Supplemental National Defense Ap- propriation Acts. Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1942, First- 98 Appropriation for- Agriculture, Department of-. .------- 104 Forest Service_------------------ 104 Audited claims----------------- 112 District of Columbia--------------- 101 Fire Department---------------- 103 General expenses -------------- 101 Health Department------------- 103 Highway fund, gasoline tax and motor-vehicle fees ----- _-- - 103 Judgments--------------------- 104 Metropolitan Police------------- 102 Militia------------------------ 103 National Capital parks ---------. 103 Park police------------------- 103 Public schools ----------------- 102 Public welfare ----------------- 103 Sewers------------------------- 102 Water service ------------------ 103 Employees' Compensation Commis- sion ----------------------- - 99 Federal Communications Commis- sion----------------------- 100 Federal Security Agency----------- 100 Education, Office of ------------ 101 Public Health Service----------- 100 Federal Works Agency ----------- 101 Public Roads Administration -- __ 101 Independent offices---------------- 99 Interior, Department of the -------- 104 General Land Office------------- 104 Geological Survey--------------- 104 Mines, Bureau of --------------- 105 Territories, government in-------- 105 Judgments and authorized claims--- 109 Judiciary------------------------- 99 United States courts ------------ 99 Justice, Department of -------- 105 Federal Bureau of Investigation_- - 105 Appropriation for-Continued. Legislative Branch of the Govern- ment- ___________ Government Printing Office ----- House of Representatives ----- _ _ Legislative Counsel, Office of ---- Library of Congress--------- ___ Senate------------- _ __ - - __ - __ _ National Mediation Board _- -- - __ . Navy Department ------------- Secretary, Office of ------------ Post Office Department -- __ _- -- _ __ Chief Inspector, Office of -------- Contingent expenses ---- __--__- First Assistant Postmaster General, Office of------------------- Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral, Office of -- _ --------- Salaries in bureaus and offices --- Second Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral, Office of .------ __- President, Executive Office of------- Emergency Management, Office for ------------- _ - -- - - State, Department of-------------- Contingent expenses ------------ Foreign Service

Treasury Department- -_ -- ---- Accounts, Bureau of -- -------- Coast Guard------------------ Customs, Bureau of------------ Mint, Bureau of the------------- Procurement Division ------------ Public Debt, Bureau of the ---- . _ Secret Service Division ------ Secretary, Office of . Treasurer of the United States, Office of..--- Treasury buildings, custody _.. War Department ---. --- ------ - Engineers, Corps of ------ _----_- Secretary, Office of-----------_ - Citizenship requirement, employees --- District of Columbia, division of ex- penses ------------------------ Overthrow of U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons advocating -------------------- Selective Service System, reports of free mail, suspension of require- ment----.--------------------- Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1942, Sec- ond------------------------------ Appropriation for- Agriculture, Department of ------ Federal Farm Mortgage Corpora- tion----------------------- Forest Service ---------------- 98 98 98 98 98 98 101 105 105 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 99 99 107 107 107 107 107 109 108 108 109 108 108 107 108 107 109 109 109 120 104 120 101 593 596 596 59. INDEX XXII - . . -