Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/263

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 2D SESS.- CH. 247-APR. 28, 1942 specified under this heading in the Federal Security Agency Appro- priation Act, 1942, $30,000,000. Grants to States for unemployment compensation administration: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1942, for unemployment com- pensation administration, including grants to States, $10,000,000, which, together with the appropriation under this heading in the Federal Security Agency Appropriation Act, 1942, shall be available, in addition to the objects specified under said heading, for the admin- istration by the Social Security Board of public employment offices in the various States, including printing and binding and the transfer of household goods and effects, as provided in the Act of October 10, 1940: Provided, That the Federal Security Administrator may dele- gate to such officers or employees as he may designate for the pur- pose all authority in connection with the transfer of personnel and household goods and effects from one official station to another. pUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Pay of personnel and maintenance of hospitals: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1942, for pay of personnel and maintenance of hospitals, including the objects and subject to the limitations specified under this head in the Federal Security Agency Appropriation Act, 1942, $453,000. SAINT ELIZABETHS HOSPITAL Continuous-treatment buildings: For an additional amount for the completion of construction and equipment, in the grounds of the hospital, of two continuous-treatment buildings, $200,000, to remain available until completion of said work. FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY National Bureau of Standards, additional facilities, Washington, District of Columbia: For the construction of a service building and a second story on the existing radio laboratory building on the grounds of the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, District of Columbia, including all administrative expenses in connection therewith, $280,000. Emergency safeguarding of public buildings and property: To enable the Public Buildings Administration, independently or in cooperation with other agencies of the Government, without regard to sections 3709 and 355 of the Revised Statutes and section 322 of the Act of June 30, 1932, to provide for the emergency safeguarding from subversive hostile acts and overt acts of aggression or depredation of the following: (1) Federal buildings and leased quarters wholly occupied by the Government, regardless of location, jurisdiction, and control (except those under the control of the War and Navy Depart- ments); (2) administrative buildings of-the government of the Dis- trict of Columbia; (3) utilities, not otherwise protected, that are necessary for the operation of such buildings; and (4) records, valuable materials, and other property of the United States, and all expenses incident to the foregoing including the construction or rental of buildings and other facilities for storage purposes within and outside the District of Columbia and the purchase or rental of land therefor, the remodeling of such buildings necessary for the protection of records, valuable materials, and other property, and the extension and protection, not otherwise provided, of Govern- ment-owned utilities, and for all expenses incident to the foregoing, including the purchase of materials, equipment, and apparatus, and repairs, construction or reconstruction of buildings damaged by such subversive or overt acts; personal services in the District of Columbia 235 55 Stat. 485. 55 Stat. 485. Public employment offices. 54 Stat. 1105. 5U.S.C. §73c-l. Proviso. 55 Stat. 481. National Bureau of Standards, additional facilities. Emergency safe- guarding of public proplrty. 41U. .C.§5;34 U. S. C.§520. 47 Stat. 412. 40 U.S.. i 278a. Storage facilities.