Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/323

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 318 -MAY 16, 1942 "(b) Such annual reports shall contain all the required informa- tion for the period of twelve months ending on the 31st day of Decem- ber in each year, unless the Commission shall specify a different date, and shall be made out under oath and filed with the Commission at its office in Washington within three months after the close of the year for which the report is made, unless additional time be granted in any case by the Commission. Such periodical or special reports as may be required by the Commission under subsection (a) hereof shall also be under oath, whenever the Commission so requires. "(c) The Commission may, in its discretion, prescribe the forms of any and all accounts, records, and memoranda to be kept by freight forwarders, with respect to service subject to this part, and the length of time such accounts, records, and memoranda shall be preserved, including the accounts, records, and memoranda of the movement of traffic, as well as of the receipts and expenditures of money; and it shall be unlawful for freight forwarders to keep any accounts, books, records, and memoranda contrary to any rule, regulation, or order of the Commission with respect thereto. "(d) The Commission or its duly authorized special agents, accountants, or examiners shall at all times have access to and author- ity, under its order, to inspect and examine any and all lands, build- ings, or equipment of freight forwarders; and shall have authority to inspect and copy any and all accounts, books, records, memoranda, correspondence, and other documents of freight forwarders, and such accounts, books, records, memoranda, correspondence, and other docu- ments of any person controlling, controlled by, or under common control with any freight forwarder, as the Commission deems rele- vant to such person's relation to or transactions with such freight forwarder. Freight forwarders and persons shall submit their accounts, books, records, memoranda, correspondence, and other docu- ments for the inspection and copying authorized by this subsection, and freight forwarders shall submit their lands, buildings, and equip- ment for examination and inspection, to any duly authorized special agent, accountant, or examiner of the Commission upon demand and the display of proper credentials. "(e) The Commission may issue orders specifying such operating, accounting, or financial papers, records, books, correspondence, or documents of freight forwarders as may after a reasonable time be destroyed, and prescribing the length of time the same shall be preserved. "(f) As used in this section the words 'keep' and 'kept' shall be construed to mean made, prepared, or compiled, as well as retained. ' BILLS OF LADING AND DELIVERY OF PROPERTY "SEc. 413. The provisions of section 20 (11) and (12) of part I of this Act, together with such other provisions of such part (including penalties) as may be necessary for the enforcement of such provisions, shall apply with respect to freight forwarders, in the case of service subject to this part, with like force and effect as in the case of those persons to which such provisions are specifically applicable, and the freight forwarder shall be deemed both the receiving and delivering transportation company for the purposes of such section 20 (11) and (12). When the services of a common carrier by motor vehicle subject to part II of this Act are utilized by a freight forwarder for the receiving of property from a consignor in service subject to this part, such carrier may, with the consent of the freight forwarder, execute the bill of lading or shipping receipt for the freight for- warder. When the services of a common carrier by motor vehicle subject to part II of this Act are utilized by a freight forwarder 295 Annual reports. Special reports. Forms of accounts, records, and memo- randa. Inspection of lands, buildings, and equip- ment. Examination of ac- counts, etc. Copies. Destruction or pres- ervation of records, etc. "Keep" and "kept." 34 Stat. 595; 41 Stat. 494. 49U.S. . . 20 (11), (12). Application of pro- visions to freight for- warders. Services of common carrier by motor ve- hicle. 49 Stat. 543 . 49U. 8. C.5§301- 327. Ante, p . 176; post, pp. 300, 746.