Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/483

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 452 -JUNE 27, 1942 ing) of all highways that may be improved under appropriations contained in this Act. No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall be available for repairing, resurfacing, or paving any street, avenue, or roadway by private contract unless the specifications for such work shall be so prepared as to permit of fair and open competition in paving material as well as in price. In addition to the provision of existing law requiring contrac- tors to keep new pavements in repair for a period of one year from the date of the completion of the work, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall further require that where repairs are necessary during the four years following the said one-year period, due to inferior work or defective materials, such repairs shall be made at the expense of the contractor, and the bond furnished by the contractor shall be liable for such expense. No part of the appropriations contained in this Act shall be used for the operation of a testing laboratory of the highways depart- ment for making tests of materials in connection with any activity of the District government. For personal services, trees and parkings, $27,935; For contingent expenses, trees and parkings, including laborers, trimmers, nurserymen, repairmen, teamsters, hire of carts, wagons, or motortrucks, trees, tree boxes, tree stakes, tree straps, tree labels, planting and care of trees, and tree spaces on city and suburban streets, purchase and maintenance of non-passenger-carrying motor vehicles, printing and binding and miscellaneous items, $138,600, of which not less than $25,000 shall be for tree trimming. MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING AGENCY For all expenses necessary in carrying out the provisions of the District of Columbia Motor Vehicle Parking Facility Act of 1942, approved February 16, 1942 (Public Law 454), including personal services and printing and binding, $16,200. MAINTENANCE OF PARK ROADS For the maintenance of vehicular roads, public parks, $25,000, which amount shall be transferred to the appropriation contained in this Act for general expenses of public parks and be available solely for the maintenance of vehicular roads in such parks. REIMBURSEMENT OF DISTRICT OFFICES FOR ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES For administrative services rendered to the Departments of Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Highways, and Trees and Parkings, there is hereby authorized to be transferred sums from the special fund cre- ated by the Act entitled "An Act to provide for a tax on motor- vehicle fuels sold within the District of Columbia, and for other pur- poses", approved April 23, 1924, and the Act entitled "An Act to provide additional revenue for the District of Columbia, and for other purposes", approved August 17, 1937, to other appropriations, as follows: $4,525 to "Purchasing Division, Salaries, District of Colum- bia"; $5,298 to "District Buildings, Salaries, District of Columbia"; $3,542 to "District Buildings, Expenses, District of Columbia"; $4,555 to "Collector, Salaries, District of Columbia"- $12,720 to "Auditor, Salaries, District of Columbia"; $9,775 to "Corporation Counsel, Salaries, District of Columbia"; and $2,028 to "Electrical Depart- ment, Expenses, District of Columbia"; in all, $42,443. Refunding erroneous collections: To enable the Commissioners, in cases where motor-vehicle registration fees, motor-vehicle operators' 455 Open competition for street-improve- ment contracts. Period of contrac- tor's liability for re- pairs for inferior work. Use of funds for test- ing laboratory. Ante, p. 9. Transfer of funds. 43 Stat. 106; 60 Stat. 676. D. C. Code §§ 47- 1901 to 47-1916; Supp. I, ch. 19. Refunding errone. ous collections.