Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/630

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[56 STAT. PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 476-JULY 2, 1942 Protection of per- sonnel. 55 Stat. 224 . Ante, p. 108 . BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING The limitation on the amount which may be expended for articles approved by the Secretary of the Treasury as being necessary for the protection of the person of employees under the appropriation "Sal- aries and expenses, Bureau of Engraving and Printing", contained in the Treasury Department Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1942, is hereby increased from $1,500 to $2,200. BUREAU OF THE MINT Transportation of bullion and coin: Not to exceed $18,500 of the appropriation made available under this head in the First Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1942, is hereby made available for the transfer of coin from the United States mint in New Orleans, Louisiana, to Washington, District of Columbia. COAST GUARD Claims for damages, operation of vessels: To pay claims for dam- ages adjusted and determined by the Secretary of the Treasury under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the adjust- ment and settlement of certain claims for damages resulting from the operation of vessels of the Coast Guard and the Public Health Service, 14 Sta.. 1514. 14tl C^s c. 71 in sums not exceeding $3,000 in any one case", approved June 15, 1936, as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 791, Seventy- seventh Congress, $50. WAR DEPARTMENT 37 Stat. 586. 5U.S.C.J208; Supp. I, § 208 note. 42 Stat. 1066. 31 U.S. C., Supp. I, § 215 note. MIITARY ACTIVITIES OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR Claims for damages to and loss of private property: To pay claims for damages adjusted and determined by the Secretary of War under the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1913, and for other purposes", approved August 24, 1912, as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 781, Seventy-seventh Congress, $1,000. TITLE II--JUDGMENTS AND AUTHORIZED CLAIMS PROPERTY DAMAGE CLAIMS SEC. 201. (a) For the payment of claims for damages to or losses of privately owned property adjusted and determined by the follow- ing respective Departments and independent offices, under the pro- visions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide a method for the set- tlement of claims arising against the Government of the United States in the sums not exceeding $1,000 in any one case", approved December 28, 1922 (31 U. S. C. 215), as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 790, Seventy-seventh Congress as follows: Executive Office of the President-Office for Emergency Manage- ment, $363.20; Federal Housing Administration, $85.50; Federal Works Administration, $2.943.45; Department of Agriculture, $3,409.35; Department of Commerce, $387.34; Department of the Interior, $2,086.42; Department of Justice, $292.11; Navy Department, $7,596.73; 602 I