Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/77

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77TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CHS. 38 , 39-FEB. 6 , 1942 the town line between the city of Augusta and the town of Chelsea, said point being in the center of the State highway leading from Augusta to Rockland, known as the Thomaston Road; thence easterly along said town line seventy-six feet, more or less, to a point fifty feet distant from the survey base line of said State highway, as shown on right-of-way map of State highway "P" dated June 1941; thence south thirty-three degrees thirty minutes east parallel to said survey base line five hundred and fifty feet, more or less; thence south fifty-six degrees thirty minutes west one hundred feet to a point south of and fifty feet distant from said survey base line; thence north thirty-three degrees thirty minutes west parallel to said survey base line seven hundred and thirty-four feet, more or less, crossing the above-described town line between the city of Augusta and the town of Chelsea at six hundred and sixty-three feet, more or less; thence northwesterly on a curve to the right concentric with said survey base line seven hundred and three feet, more or less, the radius of said curve being eleven thou- sand five hundred nine and two-tenths feet and the central angle being three degrees thirty minutes; thence north thirty degrees no minutes west parallel to said survey base line two thousand nine hundred sixty- six and sixteen one-hundredths feet; thence north sixty degrees no minutes east fifty feet to a point in the northeasterly property line of the United States of America, said point being in the center of said State highway; thence southeasterly three thousand eight hundred and twenty-two feet, more or less, along said northeasterly property line to the point of beginning, containing seven and seventy-four one-hun- dredths acres, more or less. The easement herein authorized to be granted shall be limited to the period of time the aforesaid lands are required and actually used for highway purposes, and when no longer so required and used, all inter- ests herein authorized to be conveyed in said lands shall cease and determine. Approved, February 6, 1942. [CHAPTER 39] AN ACT Authorizing the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to grant an easement in certain lands of the Veterans' Administration Facility, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, to Rutherford County, Tennessee, for highway purposes. Limitation. February 6, 1942 [8. 2080] [Public Law 434] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Adminis- MurfeSbo°,rTe trator of Veterans' Affairs is authorized and directed to grant an wy pu for p. easement to the county of Rutherford, State of Tennessee, for highway purposes, in certain lands of the Veterans' Administration Facility, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, described as follows: Beginning at a nail driven in the center of the Murfreesboro and Decption Lebanon Highway at a point where the center line of Compton Road intersects said Murfreesboro and Lebanon Highway center line, this point being the southwest corner of the Veterans' Administration property, and the northwest corner of the Herman Jackson property, and running thence with the south boundary line of the Veterans' Administration property in the center of Compton Road, south eighty- six degrees fifteen minutes east three thousand six hundred and seventy-two and one-tenth feet to a nail in the center of Compton Road near the southeast corner of the Veterans' Administration prop- erty, at the intersection of Drake Lane; thence north four degrees east twenty-five feet to a stake; thence north eighty-six degrees fifteen minutes west three thousand six hundred and seventy-two and one- tenth feet to a point in the center line of Murfreesboro and Lebanon 65714--3- -r. I -- - -- 56 STAT.]