Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/814

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 603 -OCT. 14, 1942 [CHAPTER 603] October 14, 1942 [S. 2679] [Public Law 745] Navy , Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Travel under secret or confidential orders. Transportation of dependents and effects. Proisos. Certificates relating to vouchers. Certifications in lieu of copies of orders. Claims for reim- bursement. Effective date and duration. Coast and Geodetic Survey, application of provisions. [56 STAT. AN ACT To authorize the transportation of dependents and household effects of person- nel of the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Coast and Geodetic Survey, incident to secret or confidential orders, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That officers and enlisted men of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, and the reserve components thereof when on active duty, of grades entitling them to transportation of dependents and household effects on change of stations, ordered to or from duty under secret or confidential orders or orders from which the names or locations of the ships or stations involved are omitted for reasons of security shall, upon application of such personnel or their dependents, be entitled to transportation for their dependents and household effects, including packing, crating, and unpacking thereof, from their stations or places of storage in the United States to any other points in the United States, and from such points to new stations in the United States to which such personnel may be subsequently ordered for duty, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe: Provided, That the wives of such personnel, or such other responsible persons as may be designated by the officials named in the next following proviso, may execute such certificates as may be required and which are filed with, and relate to, vouchers in connection with the transportation of dependents or household effects: Provided further, That in lieu of copies of orders to or from duty under secret or confidential orders or orders from which the names or locations of the ships or stations involved are omitted for reasons of security, a certification of the Chief of Naval Personnel, Commandant of the Marine Corps, Commandant of the Coast Guard, or such subordinates as they may designate, that the personnel concerned have been so ordered shall constitute authority for the payment of mileage and for the transportation of dependents and household effects authorized herein, and any certificate or certifi- cation authorized by this Act shall be final and conclusive upon the accounting officers of the Government: And provided further, That under such regulations as the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe, claims for reimbursement may be submitted by and payments made to personnel concerned or their dependents for any authorized travel performed by dependents at their own expense. SEc. 2 . This Act shall be effective from October 1, 1940, and shall remain in force during the continuance of the present war and for six months after the termination of the war, or until such earlier time as the Congress by concurrent resolution or the President by procla- mation may designate. SEC. 3 . That the provisions of this Act shall apply to personnel of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in like manner and to the same extent as to personnel of the Navy under such regulations as the Secretary of Commerce may prescribe: Provided, That the duties and obliga- tions imposed by this Act upon the Chief of Naval Personnel in respect to personnel of the Navy shall devolve upon the Director of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in respect to personnel of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Approved, October 14, 1942. 786