Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/167

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tive of the appointing State and under its great seal; and shall issue to a subordinate or substitute consular officer duly appointed by an accepted superior consular of- ficer with the approbation of his Government, or by any other competent officer of his Govern- ment, such documents as accord- ing to the laws of the respective States shall be requisite for the exercise by the appointee of the consular function; provided in either case that the person apply- ing for an exequatur or other document is found acceptable. On the exhibition of an exequatur, or other document in lieu thereof issued to a subordinate or sub- stitute consular officer, such con- sular officer or such subordinate or substitute consular officer, as the case may be, shall be permitted to perform his duties and to enjoy the rights, privileges, exemptions and immunities granted by this Convention. 4.- Upon the death, incapacity, or absence of a consular officer having no subordinate consular officer at his post, secretaries or chancellors, whose official charac- ter may previously have been made known to the Government of the State in the territory of which the consular function was exercised, may temporarily exer- cise the consular functions of the deceased or incapacitated or ab- sent consular officer; and while so acting shall enjoy all the rights, privileges, exemptions and im- munities that were granted to the consular officer. forma por el Jefe del Ejecutivo del Estado que lo nombre y expedida bajo el Gran Sello de la Naci6n; y expedira a los funcio- narios consulares subordinados o substitutos, debidamente nom- brados por un funcionario superior ya aceptado, con aprobaci6n de su Gobierno o por cualquier otro funcionario competente de dicho Gobierno, los documentos que de acuerdo con las leyes de los Es- tados respectivos sean necesarios para el ejercicio de la funci6n con- sular por la persona asi nombrada; a condici6n, en ambos casos, que sea considerada como aceptable la persona que solicite el exequatur u otro documento. Al exhibir el exequatur u otro documento que en su lugar deba expedirse a un funcionario consular subordinado o substituto, tal funcionario con- sular o funcionario consular sub- ordinado o substituto, segin sea el caso, tendra permiso para des- empefiar sus obligaciones y para disfrutar de los derechos, privi- legios, exenciones e inmunidades que otorga esta Convenci6n. 4. -En caso de fallecimiento, incapacidad o ausencia de un funcionario consular que no tenga ningun funcionario consular sub- ordinado en su puesto, los secre- tarios o cancilleres, cuyo caracter oficial hubiere sido previamente dado a conocer al Gobierno del Estado en cuyo territorio se desem- pefiaba la funci6n consular, podran ejercer temporalmente las fun- ciones consulares del funcionario consular fallecido, incapacitado o ausente; y mientras desempefen dichas funciones disfrutaran de todos los derechos, privilegios, exenciones e inmunidades que hubieren sido concedos al fun- cionario consular. Ad interim officers. [57 STAT. TREATIES