Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/184

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57 STAT.] MEXICO-CONSULAR OFFICERS-AUG. 12 , 1942 significado y extensi6n de la expresi6n "contencioso-administrativos" que se usa en los parrafos 3 y 4 del articulo II de la Convenci6n Consular firmada en esta misma fecha, por Vuestra Excelencia, en nombre del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America, y por mi, en el de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, sera el siguiente: en ingl6s: "The expression "contentious-administrative" covers cases in- volving controversy before an administrative organ of the State, other than those of the Judicial Power, which is invested with judicial functions in accordance with the respective administrative laws" y, en espafiol: "La expresi6n "contencioso-administrativos" abarca los casos de controversia ante un 6rgano administrativo del Estado, distinto de los del Poder Judicial, que est6 investido de funciones judiciales de acuerdo con las respectivas Leyes Administrativas". Como se sirve solicitarlo Vuestra Excelencia, tengo el honor de confirmarle que para el Gobierno de Mexico la mehcionada expresi6n tiene el significado y extensi6n expresados en la nota que tengo la honra de contestar. Aprovecho la oportunidad para reiterar a Vuestra Excelencia las seguridades de mi m&s alta y distinguida consideraci6n. E. PADILLA Excelentisimo Sefior GEORGE S. MESSERSMITH, Embajador Extraordinarioy Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos de America. Presente. (Translation] MINISTRY OF FOREIGN RELATIONS UNITED MEXICAN STATES MEXICO CITY 56685 MEXIco, D.F., August 12, 1942. MR. AMBASSADOR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's courteous note no. 525, dated today, in which you were good enough to state that for the Government of the United States of America the meaning and extent of the expression "contentious-administrative" which is used in paragraphs 3 and 4 of article II of the Consular Con- vention signed on this same date, by Your Excellency, in the name of the Government of the United States of America, and by me, in that of the United Mexican States, shall be as follows: in English: "The expression 'contentious-administrative' covers cases in- volving controversy before an administrative organ of the State, other than those of the Judicial Power, which is invested with judicial functions in accordance with the respective admin- istrative laws" 819