Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/202

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. commerce of the other country comercio del otro pals con respecto with respect to all aspects of such a todos los aspectos de tal control control. 2. The Government establish- ing or maintaining such control shall impose no prohibition, re- striction or delay on the transfer of payment for any article the growth, produce or manufacture of the other country which is not imposed on the transfer of pay- ment for the like article the growth, produce or manufacture of any third country. With re- spect to rates of exchange and with respect to taxes or charges on exchange transactions, articles the growth, produce or manufac- ture of the other country shall be accorded unconditionally treat- ment no less favorable than that accorded to the like articles the growth, produce or manufacture of any third country. The fore- going provisions shall also extend to the application of such control to payments necessary for or inci- dental to the importation of ar- ticles the growth, produce or manufacture of the other country. In general, the control shall be administered so as not to influence to the disadvantage of the other country the competitive relation- ships between articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the territories of that country and like articles the growth, produce or manufacture of third countries. ARTICLE V 2. El Gobierno que establezca o mantenga tal control no impondra prohibici6n, restricci6n o demora alguna a la transferencia del pago de cualquier articulo cultivado, producido o manufacturado en el otro pais que no se imponga a la transferencia del pago del articulo similar cultivado, producido o manufacturado en cualquier tercer pals. Con respecto a los tipos de cambio y con respecto a las tasas o cargas sobre operaciones de cam- bio, se concedera a los articulos cultivados, producidos o manu- facturados en el otro pais un trata- miento incondicional no menos fa- vorable que el concedido a los articulos similares cultivados, pro- ducidos o manufacturados en cual- quier tercer pals. Las disposicio- nes precedentes se extenderan tambien a la aplicaci6n de tal con- trol a los pagos necesarios o inci- dentales para la importaci6n de los articulos cultivados, producidos o manufacturados en el otro pals. En general, el control se aplicark de manera que no sea en perjuicio del otro pals en lo que respecta a la competencia entre los articulos cultivados, producidos o manu- facturados en los territorios de ese pais y los articulos similares culti- vados, producidos o manufactu- rados en terceros palses. ARTICULO V Exclusive agencies or privileges. 1. If the Government of the United States of America or the Government of the United Mexi- can States establishes or maintains an exclusive agency for the impor- 1. Si el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America o el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos establece o mantiene una agencia exclusiva para la importaci6n, ex- 838