Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/329

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57 STAT.] CUBA-MILITARY SERVICE- Nov. 6,1942 965 Jan. 9, Feb. 1, 1943 965 of this country. Likewise, Cubans who have not declared their in- tention of adopting American citizenship and who are already serving in the armed forces of the United States will be permitted to elect to transfer to the armed forces of Cuba. It is stipulated, however, that in every case the person exercising such an option under this arrange- ment must actually be accepted by the Cuban military authorities before his departure from the United States. It is proposed in Your Excellency's note that the details of the arrangement be agreed upon directly between the War Department and the Selective Service System, on behalf of the Government of the United States, and competent authorities of the Government of Cuba. Your Excellency advises me that the Government of the United States is disposed to put the above-mentioned policy into effect im- mediately with respect to the Republic of Cuba, subject to the following conditions: (a) No threat or coercion of any kind shall be used by the Government of Cuba to induce any person who is in the United States to enlist in the armed forces of Cuba or of any other foreign Government; (b) Reciprocal treatment shall be granted by the Government of Cuba to American citizens; that is to say, prior to their entry into the armed forces of Cuba they shall be given an opportunity to elect to serve in the armed forces of the United States in a manner substantially similar to that indicated above. Further- more, the Government of Cuba will agree to inform all American citizens who are serving in the armed forces or former American citizens who have lost their citizenship as a consequence of having taken an oath of allegiance upon joining the armed forces of Cuba and who are now serving in the said forces, that they will be able to transfer to the armed forces of the United States if they so desire and provided that they are acceptable to the armed forces of the United States. The arrangements for effecting such transfers shall be agreed upon by the representatives of the armed forces of the respective Governments; (c) There shall not be accepted by the Republic of Cuba enlistments, in the United States, of American citizens subject to registration or of foreigners of any nationality who have declared their intention of adopting American citizenship and are subject to registration. I have the honor to advise Your Excellency that my Government desires to avail itself of the procedure suggested in Your Excellency's note and that it agrees to do so under the conditions stated and with the stipulations expressed in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) set forth above. With respect to paragraph (a), nevertheless, my Government de sires to point out that Obligatory Military Service exists in Cuba and that, although for the time being it is applicable only to Cuban citizens, the Cuban Government reserves the right to extend it to foreigners in 81077°-44-rr. --- 21