Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/370

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. annual sum of nine hundred dol- lars ($900.00) to pay the customs duties on articles imported by Lieutenant Colonel Byers for his personal use and for the use of his family, as well as to cover any tax or taxes imposed by the Salva- doran Government on the com- pensation, pay or allowances re- ceived by Lieutenant Colonel Byers, it being understood that any unexpended balance of this item would be returned to the Treasury of the Salvadoran Government at the expiration of the detail of Lieutenant Colonel Byers or his successor, to the position re- ferred to in clause one. Terminationofserv- If the services of Lieutenant ices. Colonel Byers should be termi- nated by the Government of the United States, except as established in heading (c) of clause IV of this Contract, before the completion of two years of service, the provi- sions of clause XV shall not apply to the return trip. If the services of Lieutenant Colonel Byers should terminate or be terminated before the completion of the aforesaid two years of service, for any other reason, including those established in heading (c) of clause IV, Lieu- tenant Colonel Byers shall receive from the Government of El Sal- vador all compensations, emolu- ments, and perquisites as though he had completed two years of service referred to in this Contract, but the annual salary shall termi- nate as provided in clause XIV. But should the Government of the United States recall Lieu- tenant Colonel Byers for breach of discipline, the cost of his return trip to the United States of his family, household effects and una suma anual de NOVECIEN- TOS DOLARES ($-900 .00), para pago de impuestos aduanales sobre articulos importados por el sefior Teniente Coronel Byers para su uso personal y para el uso de la familia, asi como para cubrir cualquier impuesto o impuestos cargados por el Gobierno de El Salvador sobre la compensaci6n, pago o pensi6n recibida por el sefior Teniente Coronel Byers, siendo entendido que cualquier balance no gastado de esta suma sera devuelta a la Direcci6n General de Tesoreria de El Salvador cuando termine el nombramiento del sefior Teniente Coronel Byers o de su sucesor, en el cargo de que habla la clausula primera. Si los servicios del sefior Teniente Coronel Byers fuesen cancelados por el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, excepto bajo las condi- eiones establecidas y previstas en la fracci6n c) de la clausula IV de este Contrato, antes del t6rmino de dos afios de servicio, las pre- visiones de la clausula XV no se aplicaran al viaje de regreso. Si los servicios del sefior Teniente Coronel Byers terminasen o fuesen cancelados antes del plazo de los dos aflos de servicios sefialados, por cualquiera otra raz6n, incluso las establecidas en la fracci6n c) de la clausula IV, el seflor Teniente Coronel Byers recibira del Go- bierno de El Salvador todas las compensaciones, utilidades y requi- sitos como si hubiera cumplido los dos afos de servicio que sefala este Contrato, pero el salario anual previsto en la clAusula XIV se dara por terminado. Pero si el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America llamase al seflor Te- niente Coronel Byers por quebran- tamiento en la disciplina, el costo 1006