Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/391

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1027 57 STAT.] GREAT BRITAIN-AFRICAN ASBESTOS-APR . 30 , 1943 United Kingdom and of afloats and sinkings. The first such state- ment shall be made as of 31st December, 1942. Quarterly state- ments will also be furnished to the U.S .G . of mining production and African stocks of the African producers. 7. Provisionfor Review of Apportionments Upon exchange of information as to receipts, consumption, stocks, afloats and sinkings, either Government may request a review of the apportionment in any grade of African asbestos, to bring the actual position into line with the principles set forth in paragraph 1. 8. Appointment of Representatives The U.S.G . and H.M.G . in U.K . will appoint a representative each to recommend the re-apportionment outlined in paragraph 7 above, or to adjust difficulties of interpretation of this agreement which may arise from time to time. 9. Agreements between Metals Reserve Company and Producing Companies H.M.G. in U.K. takes note of the agreements entered into between Metals Reserve Company on the one hand and Cape Asbestos Com- pany and Raw Asbestos Distributors on the other dated 22nd Decem- ber, 1942, and .18th December, 1942, respectively and finds them to be in accord with the spirit of this agreement. The U.S.G . under- takes to provide H.M.G . in U.K. with copies of such contracts and of any documents bearing on the interpretation or extension of those contracts. 10. Provisionforreview by C.R.M.B . The terms of this Agreement are subject to any action which may be taken at any time by the C.R .M .B. 11. Duration of Agreement Except by mutual consent, this agreement shall terminate nine months after the cessation of hostilities. The disposition of stocks remaining in the two countries shall be the subject of full and mutual discussion between U.S .G. and H.M .G. in U.K. WM. STIX WASSERMAN, on behalf of Board of Economic Warfare Metals Reserve Co. OLIVER S. FRANKS, on behalf of The Ministry of Supply.