Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/428

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. but the cost to the Government of the Republic of Ecuador shall not exceed the cost of transporting the remains from the place of de- cease to New York City. Should the deceased be the officer, his services shall be considered to have terminated fifteen (15) days after his death. Return transportation to the United States of America for the family of the deceased officer and for their household ef- fects, baggage and automobile shall be provided as prescribed in Article 20. All compensation due the deceased officer and reimburse- ment due the deceased officer for expenses and transportation on official business of the Govern- ment of the Republic of Ecuador shall be paid to the widow of the officer, or to any other person who may have been designated in writing by the officer, provided such widow or other person shall not be compensated for the accrued leave of the deceased, and further provided that these compensations shall be paid within fifteen (15) days after the death of the officer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the under- signed, being duly authorized, have signed this Agreement in duplicate, each one in the English and Spanish languages at Wash- ington, this thirteenth day of September, 1943. FOR THE UNITED E [SEAL] CORDEI Secretar of the United St FOR THE REPUBLIC [SEAL] C.E.1 Ambassador Extraordin of the Republic of Ec el coste para el Gobierno de la Republica del Ecuador no exce- derh del coste de transporte de los restos del lugar del fallecimiento a la ciudad de Nueva York. Si el fallecido es el oficial, se conside- rara que sus servicios han termina- do quince (15) dias despues de su muerte. Se proporcionara trans- porte de regreso a los Estados Unidos de America para la familia del oficial fallecido y para sus efectos dom6sticos, equipaje y autom6vil, de acuerdo con las dis- posiciones delArticulo 20. Toda re- muneraci6n que se adeude al oficial fallecido y todo reembolso que se adeude al oficial fallecido por gastos y transporte en viajes realizados en asuntos oficiales del Gobierno de la Republica del Ecuador, se pagaran a la viuda del oficial, o a cualquiera otra persona que el oficial haya desig- nado por escrito, disponiendose quenosepagaraalaviudaoala otra persona por licencia acumu- lada a que tenga derecho el falle- cido, y disponiendose ademas que estos pagos se efectuaran dentro de quince (15) dias despu6s del fallecimiento del oficial. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, los infrascritos, debidamente autori- zados para ello, han firmado este Acuerdo por duplicado, cada uno en los idiomas ingles y espafol, en Washington, el dia trece de sep- tiembre de 1943. STATES OF AMERICA: LL HULL / of State Wates of America C OF ECUADOR: ALFARO ary and Plenipotentiary uador in Washington Compensation due deceased officer. 1064