Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/436

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1072 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. The Secretary of State to the Czechoslovak Ambassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON September 29, 1943 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to the Department's note of April 3, 1942 and to subsequent conversations had by officers of the Department with the Embassy on the subject of the proposed agreement with your country concerning the service of nationals of one country in the armed forces of the other country. In amplification of the Department's note of April 3, 1942 I may state that this Government is prepared, upon the conclusion of the proposed agreement, to grant to nondeclarant Czechoslovak nationals serving in the armed forces of the United States, who did not pre- viously have an opportunity of electing to serve in the forces of their own country, the privilege of applying for a transfer to the armed forces of Czechoslovakia. Upon the conclusion of the agreement, the War Department is prepared to discharge, for the purpose of transferring to the armed forces of Czechoslovakia, nondeclarant Czechoslovak nationals serving in the United States forces who did not have a previous opportunity of opting for service with the Czech- oslovak forces. I may also state, with reference to the second and third sentences of the third paragraph of the Department's note of April 3, 1942, that the details incident to carrying out the agreement may be modified in such manner as may be mutually agreeable, and to that end it is suggested that this subject be discussed by officers of the Embassy with the appropriate agencies of the United States Government upon the conclusion of the agreement. If your Government is desirous of entering into the proposed agree- ment, and you will forward to the Department a note conforming to the concluding paragraph of the Department's note of April 3, 1942, this Governnen t is prepared to make the proposed r6gime effective immediately upol the receipt of such note. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consider- ation. For the Secretary of State: G. HOWLAND SHAW His Excellency VLADIMIR HURBAN, Ambassador of Czechoslovakia.