Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/722

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1358 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. "Whenever the War Manpower Commission shall have made the deposits referred to in the previous paragraph it shall send directly to the Banco del Ahorro Nacional, S.A. a list containing the names of the beneficiaries and the amount corresponding to each of them for the above- mentioned fund. "GENERAL PROVISIONS "It is understood that the War Manpower Commission will cooperate with such other agencies of the Government of the United States in carrying this understanding into effect whose authority under the laws of the United States are such as to contribute to the effectua- tion of the understanding. Either Government shall have the right to renounce this understanding giving appropriate notification to the other Government ninety days in advance. This understanding may be formalized by an exchange of notes between the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Mexico and the Embassy of the United States of America in Mexico." I, therefore, take this opportunity to inform Your Excellency that the text of the above agreement has received the approval of the United States Government. It is the desire of the United States Government that the arrangement should come into effect today. I desire to express my gratitude to Your Excellency for the manner in which the negotiations leading up to this agreement were conducted. The Mexican representatives have at all times had a real comprehen- sion of the urgency and necessity for these workers in the United States. On the other hand, the United States representatives recognize the full value of this contribution of Mexico to the joint war effort. I would appreciate it, therefore, if Your Excellency would indicate that the proposed agreement is acceptable to the Mexican Govern- ment. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. G. S. MESSERSMITH His Excellency Sefior Licenciado EZEQUIEL PADILLA, Minister/for Foreign Afairs, Mexico, D.F . The Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs to the American Ambassador SECRETARIA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS MEXICO 318 MEXxco, 29 de abril de 1943. SE_ . OR EMBAJADOR: En su muy atenta nota nimero 1218, del 29 del actual, que para mayor precisi6n a continuaci6n inserto, Vuestra Excelencia me dice lo siguiente: