Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/764

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1400 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. which have been initialled by officials of those governments as com- petent experts in a position to reflect the views of their respective governments. Your Government is invited to signify its approval of the Memo- randum of Agreement and the interpretation thereof according to the Minutes of the Final Session of the Washington Wheat Meeting, it being understood that upon notification by this Government to the Governments of Argentina, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom that each of the five governments has signified its approval, the provisions of the Memorandum of Agreement will be deemed to come into effect. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest con- sideration. CORDELL HULL Enclosures: Copies of Memorandum of Agreement, Draft Con- vention, and Minutes 1) In English 2) In Spanish[1 ] His Excellency Sefior Don FELPRE A. ESPL, Ambassador of Argentina. The Argentine Ambassador to the Secretary of State EMBAJADA DE LA REPI(BLICA ARGENTINA D.E . N° 170.- WASHINGTON, Junio24 de 1942. - EXCELENCIA: Tengo el honor de acusar recibo de su nota de Abril 24 de 1942, que se refiere a la terminaci6n de las deliberaciones sobre el trigo que tuvieron lugar en Washington, y de expresar la aprobaci6n de mi Gobierno a las disposiciones del Memorandum de Convenio, al que se adjunta un Proyecto de Convenci6n, y a la interpretaci6n de ciertas disposiciones del mismo de acuerdo al Acta de la Sesi6n Final de las reuniones del Trigo en Washington. Mi Gobierno considerara las disposiciones del Memorandum de Convenio como entrando en vigor al ser notificado de que los otros cuatro Gobiernos han expresado su aprobaci6n. - Sirvase aceptar S. E. las seguridades de mi mas alta consideraci6n. FFTrPE A. ESPIL Argentine Ambassador A S. E. el Sefior CORDELL HULu Secretario de Estado Washington, D.C.- 1 [Not printed.]